Saturday, July 24, 2010

WHO Guidance Global Discussion Forum 26 July - 6th August, 2010


Please pass this invitation onto to your networks and colleagues and encourage them to join this virtual discussion forum.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the WHO Guidance forum invite you to join the

WHO would like you to join a 2 week virtual discussion forum designed to provide an opportunity for people to share their ideas, experience and opinions about the type of evidence-based guidance WHO should produce to support the reduction of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. We want to make this guidance more accessible and focused on addressing technical and health systems challenges and meeting the information needs of people working in this field.

Your contribution to this discussion will help us to identify priority policy or practice issues in which it would be helpful to have either a policy brief, guideline or other type of resource materials produced.


During this two-week forum you will receive one-two emails per day: one email to introduce the day’s questions, and one daily digest of the contributions. Five questions will be addressed, and each discussed over two consecutive days. All contributions received will be acknowledged.

Once you have registered you can participate in the forum simply by responding to the daily e-mails or sending a message to:

whoguidance at

For any questions on this Virtual Global Discussion Forum please contact the forum facilitator: Cordelia Coltart at: coltartc at

Many thanks and we look forward to hearing your views during this exciting venture.

Cordelia Coltart
Intern WHO
Reproductive Health and Research
E-mail: coltartc at

World Health Organization
20, avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27
visit WHO at:

My source:
Sandra Land, GANM (Global Alliance for Nursing and Midwifery) ganm at