In order to get around so that the mother is able to rest enough, it helps the mother get the baby to sleep on schedule. The way is very simple, mother just introduce and then baby will following.
As a first step introduction to how to sleep, mother observing first sleep character of the of the baby. Some babies are usually easy to follow regular sleeping patterns but there are babies who have problems with his sleep patterns and sleep patterns are difficult to run a mother has prepared.
Here are healthy tips on how to manage infant sleep so it does not troublesome parents:
- Special week-old baby, do not be forced to start introducing sleep patterns. There are good mothers naturally desire to follow your baby to sleep. When the baby cries, try to make the baby comfortable with gentle caresses or massages.
- When entering the age of 6 weeks, mothers can start sleeping pattern recognition. Whether it's nap or sleep at night. Before sleeping, the mother can do some things like bath baby with warm water and take a minute to play as an initial decrease in the intensity of activity before bed, put the clothes are soft and comfortable bed, dim the baby lights, play a song and give a warm kiss. Do these patterns every day.
- Special infants aged three to six months and thereafter, the baby began to develop the habit of sleeping on time. According to children experts, infants aged three to six months is the time where the baby is ready to be trained to sleep on a regular basis. When entering the age of growth activity can last for eight hours, but when the baby is average time spent to move about 5-6 hours.
- Before the exercise begins the establishment of sleep patterns, mothers should consult your physician first. Consultation is needed to see to what extent the effects of exercise on children and to select the correct pattern to avoid mistakes.
- Finally, each mother and baby differ, so do not be frustrated if this routine was not going according to expectations. Try and be patient. Do what works best for mother and baby.