The teeth is the most distinguishing species of mammals, and one that could be fossils well. Tooth form associated with these types of pet foods. For example herbivores have many molars for chewing because the grass is difficult to digest. Carnivores need fangs to kill and tear, and because the meat easier to digest, so they can swallow the food without the need for teeth to chew food.
In humans, the teeth is also a very important part of the body, because the beginning of the digestion process from the teeth. If a tooth is sick, then all parts of the body such as heart, kidney, central nervous system to be affected. Cavity is the beginning of a toothache. Because the teeth is very important for our health, then we are obliged to maintain dental health. Here are some tips that we can do to prevent toothache:
Brushing teeth the right way
While brushing your teeth regularly has been done but if done in a way that is not true, of course the result will not be maximized. The correct way is by brushing downwards to the front teeth, brushing teeth towards the top to bottom and front teeth brushing horizontally for a molar. Brushing teeth should be longer, because this teeth has the potential attachment of leftovers.
Brushing teeth regularly and at the right time
In the morning after breakfast and at night before bed is the perfect time to brush our teeth. Saliva is not much when we sleep, so the teeth will be damaged if you let the rest of the food on your teeth without a brush. Saliva is useful to protect the teeth from bacteria that cause cavities.
Gargling after eating
The teeth brushing is not possible after we eat, the best way is rinsed our mouth so that leftovers do not keep sticking and reduce acid in the dental situation.
Use dental floss to remove food scraps
Food scraps left behind, should not be removed with a toothpick. Use a toothpick can cause a gap between teeth in addition to the greater of the gums can cause injury. Healthy way to spend the rest of the food in between teeth is with dental floss.
Choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride
Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. This substance is one of the enamel-forming material. The presence of these substances can prevent decay on teeth.
Consumption of fibrous foods
Consumption vegetables, fruits or others health foods proved to be made stronger teeth and preventing cavities.
Reduce foods containing sugar and flour
This foods type of easy left on teeth that cause acid and create cavities.
Regular dental check
Visit your dentist every 6 months even if you do not feel the toothache. This is needed so that doctors can detect a small hole that occurred in the tooth and can be handled immediately so that the hole is not bigger. Can also detect the uneven teeth or notched which can cause teeth difficult to clean.
Simple tips to prevent tooth decay can be useful for us. If there is any questions about tips to overcome cavities, please send via the comment form.