Food Chew Slowly
Meal habits quickly, it can create more body fat. New satiety felt after 15-20 minutes after the initial chew, occurs after the stomach to process food in the stomach. After working the stomach begins to decline, began to feel a sense of satiety. Because of that, try chewing food longer. That way, bribe for bribe is not too soon come to your mouth.
Reduce Portion Rice
Apparently one serving of rice on the plate is not always enough for you. To recover this habit, start to reduce the portion of rice at the dinner table. Conversely, the portion of vegetables reproduced. So, if you're still hungry, but the rice was gone, the choice to stay two. Stop eating or eating vegetables. Win-win solution, right?
Walking 30 Minutes
If you'd like stomach bulging "deflate", do not quickly get bored of exercise. But, why the fat in the abdomen do not quickly "shrink", though it was a routine exercise? Because the most fat to accumulate in the abdomen, then the capacity to burn fat even greater. Automatic, so lean back takes more time. So, naturally you're dong when the arm more than once to deflate the stomach. Effectively streamline the type of abdominal exercise is walking or running. Do 30 minutes a day, as much as 2-3 times a week.
Do not Jump Sleeping After Eating
Try not to sleep immediately after eating. Because, during sleep the body becomes very relaxed, so that bowel movement was slow. Because there is no wasted calories, so fat that can go directly accumulate in the body. As a result, there are overweight. In order to smooth the digestion process, so there should be a pause between the time after eating and sleeping. At least a minimum of 30 minutes. Perform other activities, such as washing pirign or watching television.
Eat Salad
Cut carrots, celery, zucchini, or other vegetables for a salad dikudap. This step can make you spend more effort to chew pieces of all types of large-sized vegetables. So you will chew more and eat less when eating the main menu.
Road Before Drinking Green Tea
The caffeine in tea free fatty acids, which can help you burn fat more easily. Polyphenols (antioxidant compounds) found in green tea can work effectively with caffeine that burns calories.
Replace Butter with Olive Oil
This is much healthier and can help you eat less. Recent studies show, add the olive oil in intake can reduce at least 52 calories than those who used butter.