Although there has been no scientific research on the properties of the fruit to cure dengue fever, various empirical recognition of emerging states, dates that have been processed into juice can increase thrombocyte levels significantly. Therefore, many people whose families were affected by dengue fever was moved to search for palm juice.
Joban Said Ahmad, a bookstore owner in Bandung, who popularized these properties palm juice. In 2005, a besan Said, the familiar call, dengue fever. Said recall, when he suffered pain as a child, such as heat illness, his parents always treated her with a date.
"Since that time there has been no blender or juicer, dates quite soaked in warm water for a few moments and then whipped-cream. Steeping water and then I drank it, "recalled Said.
As assigned to continue the experiment, after recovering from dengue fever besannya blessing palm juice which he gave, in succession-law, nephews, cousins, and uncle, Said also suffered from dengue fever. There are seven close relatives of people afflicted by dengue fever and all recovered quickly thanks to the condition that he gave the palm juice.
"The platelet count only nine thousand, but after drinking date palm juice rose to 140 thousand," said Said.
Said an interesting experience it is spoken to the local newspaper. Speech was wonderful. Telephone at home and his shop did not stop ringing from people asking about a recipe, or ask for juice made dates. Nothing less applies to those who come directly to his shop with a similar purpose.
"In addition to opening the bookstore business, frankly I really had long traded palm fruit. Because many are asking, I also sell juice later dates, "he said.
The journalists who interviewed him later suggested that Said's record number of people asking about the date-palm juice, either by phone or coming directly. Understandably, after he was told by the newspaper, and later spread the recipe on the internet mailing list, many are calling to say thank you for the recipe proved efficacious its date juice.
"I noted their testimony in the book. The number has a lot, about a thousand people more. Many of them who then become customers dates that I sell, "he said.
Decrease Blood Sugar
Said did have blood merchants. Well, since the merchandise proved efficacious for health, he increasingly diligent consultation and exchange thoughts about the dates with doctors, nutritionists, and health professionals. Supported by a knowledge of kitchen spices commonly used in the Middle East, Said's attempt to dig deeper potential dates to cure diseases.
Apart from dengue, Said has so far been trying to exploit the properties dates for indigestion, increase of hemoglobin (HB), and lowering blood sugar. "My friend, a doctor, I've tried herbs, palm-plus black pepper and other spices. Blood sugar which was originally on the 400, dropped to below 200, "said Said.
Tell, other than those consumed away without mixture to cure certain diseases, and others must be mixed herbs to cure other diseases. More than that, there are also certain types of dates are efficacious to cure certain diseases, unfortunately not efficacious to cure other diseases.
"There are types of palm-fitting for those with diabetes or problems with digestion. The price is relatively cheaper than the usual dates. We want to choose who lived where, "he said.
Dates that are suitable for diabetics is the type of Nagal. Dates of this type is a bit oval than usual dates, and it felt a little bitter. The price is cheap, ranging from Rp 14 thousand per kg. Since there are no exact rules, according to Said, the consumption of this type should not date more than ten grains per day as well as dawn broke.
For those who experience stomach upset or ulcers can choose the type of Fard. His trademark, black fruit color and taste more bitter than Nagal. More expensive, ie USD 20 thousand per kg.
Easily digested sugar
In addition in the form of ripe fruit, dates can be enjoyed in various preparations, ranging from juice, biscuits, jam, until the honey to the milk mixture. Processed dates are now easily found in the market.
According to Said Ahmad Joban, every 100 grams of dates contain 52 mg of calcium, iron 1.2 mg, 50 mg magnesium, phosphorus 60 mg, 667 mg potassium, 13 mg sodium, chloride 271 mg, 14.7 mg of sulfur, manganese 4.9 mg, copper 2.4 mg, 1.2 mg zinc, and cobalt 1.9 mg. Also, 90 IU of vitamin A, thiamin 93 mg B1, B2 ripovlavine 144 mg, 4.4 mg biotin, folio acid 5.4 mg, niacin 2.0 mg, 6.1 mg ascorbic acid, 38.5 g of glucose, fructose 35 , 5 gr, other types of sugars 3.4 g, 2.35 g protein, 0.43 grams of fat, and energy 323.
Sugar content is largely a monosaccharide sugar, easily digested so that the body, such as glucose and fructose. On a certain date palm varieties, there are also sugar sucrose. Palm sugar content at very high, around 70 percent, which is 70-73 grams per 100 grams.
Palm sugar absorption within the body fairly quickly, about 45-60 minutes, compared with the absorption of starch in rice that require long hours. That's why palm is an excellent food for breaking fast because it can supply quick energy intake.
Dietary fiber contained in a date palm is big enough, about 2.2 grams per 100 grams. Fibers useful in lowering blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting absorption of fat or cholesterol in the intestine, so that does not increase blood cholesterol.
The presence of fiber is good for overcoming constipation. With a fairly smooth texture, fiber, palm-safe for sensitive stomach or intestinal inflammation sufferers. As with other vegetable foods, dates do not contain cholesterol. Kurma contain good fats are beneficial for health.
Fears of being fat because dates are not groundless. The presence of fat is beneficial for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K, which is also present in date palm. To make juice, you simply provide a date less than 200 grams, or according to taste. Blend dates with water until smooth. We recommend that you select the dates are soft so you can easily blend.