Diabetics are controlled so as to keep a healthy starting to run fast is not provided with other disease and blood sugar levels do not fluctuate too drastically. Even for some diabetics, there at the end of the fasting month which decreased blood sugar and cholesterol levels and some fat diabetic losing weight.
As for food intake regulation, that diabetic no change in the number and type of food. The calories and food type with a typical day schedule just different. It would be better if the results continue to use complex carbohydrates as the main carbohydrate source.
For schedule of eating, the food intake diabetic can divide into two meals (breaking of fast and dawn) or can be divided into three (breaking of fast, snacks and evening meal) provided that the number of calories that you entered the amount fixed as usual. Nonetheless, reminder that not all people with diabetes can run fast and do not even recommend that diabetics blood sugar levels above 180 to fast. Diabetisi with blood sugar levels above 180 even dangerous to fast and not recommended.
In addition, if there is hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels, diabetics who are fasting are also required to immediately cancel the fasting and drinking sugar water. If symptoms of hypoglycemia among others suddenly felt incredibly hungry, cold sweats or chest thumping must immediately cancel the fast and quickly drank sugar water or any food that contains sugar as quickly as possible.
Diabetes is divided into several classes or types and two of the most widely experienced is type 1, namely the pancreas can not produce insulin and type 2 pancreas can still produce insulin but the amount is insufficient.
The second diabetics is the person who can fasting with a record of their blood sugar well controlled or below 180 mg / dl and not suffering from a disease or other severe complications. And diabetes type 2 should not fast.