For herbs fans, cardamom is known as an expectorant. Some studies reveal expectorant properties turned out to be derived from the essential oil content sineol, carmintive who also worked on cold medicine. Sineol are similar but not equal to eukaliptol eucalyptus is more spicy, but cool when ingested. Normally used to make peppermint.
In addition to potions made for thinning phlegm, cardamom shavings that have been dried stems can be used as a beverage. This cardamom drinks can be found in some restaurants. It is believed that the drink cardamom useful for heating as well as immune-booster.
As the drug outside and inside the body
We know that cardamom is used as an herbal mixture. In some Indonesia areas, cardamom known as kapol, local cardamom, palago, karkolaka and more. Physically cardamom classified in the herb that can reach a height 2-3 meters and grows in dense forest. Cardamom fertile life at an altitude of 200-1000 meters above sea level. Initially quite a wild life as a shrub, but is now cultivated as a crop cardamom and spices.
In addition to its trunk, cardamom seeds taken from plants before the fruit matured often utilized as a raw material ingredient. Cardamom seeds that have been dried is often called cement cardamomi. The other part is used for root and fruit concoction.
Chemical constituents in essential oils including cardamom, sineol, terpineol, borneol, protein, sugar, and less fat. From these contents cardamom has expectorant properties, anti-cold, and anti-cough.
There are two ways to obtain the properties of cardamom. For external treatment, by boiling or refine all parts of this plant, then water or a soft dough is massaged into the affected part. For treatment of deep, pounded cardamom seeds and then boiled and drunk the water filter.
For external treatment of cardamom can be used as raw material liquid to overcome bad breath (water flower stew mixture of cardamom and other ingredients to rinse the mouth), and whooping cough (smooth dough mixture is applied to the chest and neck).
Conversely, for the internal treatment, cardamom can overcome the interference throat, bloating, abdominal cramps, stomach pain, colds, bad breath, vomiting, inflammation of the stomach (gastritis), and fever.
Fragrances Mouth
As a member of the ginger tribe, named the Latin Elettaria cardamomum plant was originally found growing naturally in the mountains of Malabar, on the West Coast of India. Since the behavior in world markets, cardamom also developed in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Guatemala.
In Indonesia, this plant was developed for a long time, especially in the areas of Java and Sumatra. Trusted local cardamom seeds contain essential oils, fragrance and even more so once the mouth is often made to fragrances. Unfortunately, since the circulation of a variety of candies deodorizing mouth, local cardamom is not used anymore because it was considered less practical.
There are two kinds of cardamom, namely India cardamom and locally cardamom called kapol. In the official book gingers, formal written kapol still cardamom (sometimes given appendage "local"). Meanwhile,cardamom Indian written as cardamom sabrang.
Before use, cardamom not deliberately shelled. If you want to use, the fruit of one tablespoon lightly crushed in a small porcelain mortar, so that apart from the skin of the fruit. Skin cracked seeds are then screened for discarded shells. Further crushed seeds until smooth or roughly half as necessary. This is what is inserted in the prepared dish or ingredient.
For best results, cardamom should be stored in the form of fruit is still there intact skin. This skin can protect the seed to air dry and hot, while keeping the smell flavoring not quickly disappear. If you want to use the trunk, you should select a young and fresh.
Historically, cardamom, better known as food flavoring. The content of volatile oils also makes it smells so yummy when mixed into the dish. Until now, the seeds are used for collision flavoring Indian curry, fried rice Dutch version, and egg Malabar martabak.
In Indonesia, in addition to various herbs, cardamom is often used for oxtail soup mixture and meat preparations.