According to Dr Amarullah H Siregar, today the community still has a treatment paradigm. "Each complaint is treated directly, but the root of the problem is not searchable. Paradigma we should be modified, not medication but have healed," he explained in a seminar on "Healthy with Herbs" by Deltomed held in Jakarta on Wednesday (19/05/2010).
He added that modern medicines aim to treat more symptoms of the disease, but does not cure the source. Unlike the case with herbal medicine has a holistic approach between body, mind and soul.
"Our bodies actually awakened by a unitary system. All are related. So if there is one part of the sick, the healthy side should be empowered," said the doctor who pursue herbal medicine (naturopathic) this.
Concept is applied in the science of naturopathic medical care to empower the body's natural function in the treatment, prevention, and improving health. The method used is a natural and non-invasive or without surgery, without synthetic chemical drugs, patient-oriented, and environmentally friendly.
Traditional medicine, according Amarullah, it must be consumed long term and does not give immediate effects such as modern medicine. Nevertheless, he said that remained the same healing effect.
"Take the example meniran (Phyllanthus urinary) that have effects such as antibiotics. He did not directly kill germs, but turn east gland that produces T-cells which is a natural killer germs," said the doctor who has clinics in Jakarta Ragunan this area.
However, herbal medicines should not be consumed in vain, especially when mixed with chemical drugs. Consumers should also be noticed how the cooking to how to eat them.