Maybe you think that the desire to snacking it just because of hunger. When in fact, there are some things that cause us to become a habit of snacking at night. Among because we are lazy for breakfast, or affected by the Night Eating Syndrome.
Whatever the reason, snacking at evening is not recommended for your health. Disturbance what you will experience due to this habits?
1. Teeth
A new study has found that people who like midnight snacking tends to be faster toothless when age increases. The health problem is, few people remember to brush the teeth after snacking. In addition, saliva production is also decreased so that food can not be chewed up by teeth.
2. Waist circumference
If snacking at night is only done once in a while, your weight might not be affected, according to researchers. Nevertheless, they also linked this habit with eating disorders. So if at night you often nervous when flipping through the fridge, and irritated because he found nothing there, chances are you're experiencing uncontrollable desire to overeat.
3. Sleep habits
It must not feel good in a state goes to sleep hungry. Conversely, feelings of satiety also makes you feel uncomfortable when lying down, and even to make you have trouble falling asleep again. Eating spicy foods or drinking caffeinated beverages you can also experience a sense of heartburn in the middle of the night.
4. Digestion disorder
If you tend to be easy to feel heartburn, lying in bed immediately after snacking at night will also worsen your condition. This is due to the connection between the esophagus and the stomach becomes flat (when it should flow from the esophagus food downward, or stomach).