Actually, we can know if our healthy heart or not. Here are tips that we can use to know a healthy heart.
1. Cholesterol
When likened, LDL or bad cholesterol is the burning house and HDL or good cholesterol as a fireman. A good fireman usually can prevent long-term damage, "Roger Blumenthal said from Johns Hopkins Cicarone Centre.
The higher the HDL cholesterol level, the lower the risk of occurrence of ateroklerosis. For healthy heart, not the bad cholesterol target more than 130 mg / dl and HDL should be higher than 40 mg / dl. HDL cholesterol levels tended to increase with exercise, lose weight and eat lots of fiber.
2. Blood pressure
If uncontrolled blood pressure in recent years, high blood pressure can damage arteries throughout the body, so that the blood vessel wall will be thickened and rigid and clogged so alirah blood to vital organs is blocked. Optimal blood pressure lower than 120/80 mmHg.
Variation of various foods with different combinations of the right nutrients will be beneficial for blood pressure. All various studies have also shown an effective stress reduction also lowers blood pressure. Researchers from Spain mentioned, consumption of aspirin every day also decreased systolic blood pressure 6.8 mmHg and 4.6 mmHg diastolic pressure.
3. Heartbeat
Life is not in your hands, but in your heart. The number of heartbeats per minute (resting heart rate) is one way to predict the age. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine noted, men who have resting heart rates above 75 beats per minute (bpm) are three times more at risk for heart attack. Normal pulse is 65 bpm.
"When you do a cardio exercise with low intensity and add a high intensity every two weeks, the heart rate per minute will be reduced," Neal Henderson said from sports medicine experts. Do exercise at least 30 minutes with 60-80 percent of the maximum amount of heart rate.
4. Fasting blood sugar levels
Fasting blood sugar levels is a sign of whether there is any risk of diabetes. If your blood sugar levels is higher, then the opportunity diabetes risk is greater. "People with diabetes have a greater risk of heart disease, kidney and eye disorders," Johanthan Samet said, MD, of Johns Hopkins.
To reduce levels of fasting blood sugar, we need to increase the body's ability to use blood sugar, or increase insulin sensitivity. The best way to achieve this is to reduce weight.
5. C-Reactive Protein
C-reavtive protein or CRP is a plasma protein produced by the liver as a reaction to an infection, injury and inflammatory processes. High levels of CRP indicate inflammation in the body. Because heart disease is due to inflammation in the artery wall then CRP can be used as a general marker of heart disease risk.
Elevated levels of CRP are usually accompanied by increased cholesterol. CRP level is high, ie more than 1 milligram per liter, also associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. CRP measurement is done by taking blood from the elbow or the back of your palms.