Saturday, February 13, 2010

The relationship between mother and child more familiar than father because oxytocin

Of New York, the philosopher Aristotle once said the mother of his son's love is bigger than dad. Recent studies show the strength of motherhood involves a more complex chemical compounds.

Behavior of the latest neuroscience research shows mother and son love involves chemical compounds that are more complex than Aristotle's maxim, which involves the hormone oxytocin.

Scientists have identified the hormone oxytocin plays an important role in the bond between people. Although the behavior of this hormone in humans has not been fully understood by many researchers.

The hormone oxytocin plays a role in the human body, especially the important role of a woman who has just become a mother. This is because oxytocin may help to induce labor and stimulate the process of lactation (breastfeeding).

'Oxytocin facilitate or assist the process of childbirth and breastfeeding, because it is believed that hormones also play a role in the formation of the bond between mother and child from the mother's own behavior, "says Jennifer Bartz, assistant professor of psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, such as quoted from LiveScience, Monday (10/05/2010).

The effect of the hormone oxytocin in the formation of the bond between mother and child is the reason why the bond between mother and child more strongly than his father.

Although not many things that can be understood from the work of this hormone oxytocin, but a study has shown the role of oxytocin. This hormone can help individuals to remember the faces of people they like and distinguish it with someone who does not like.

"Probably one of the things that was facilitated by oxytocin was helpful in terms of social memory, which makes the person has a choice for certain individuals," says Bartz.