Saturday, February 27, 2010

Consumed vitamins before and after eating

Some vitamins and supplements recommended to be drunk before meals, but there is also the recommended consumed after a meal. This is because vitamins and supplements can interact with one another with drugs and even certain types of food.

But most of the vitamin might not matter consumed before or after meals.

As quoted from and Truestarhealth, Tuesday (25/02/2010), some vitamins and supplements it can trigger toxicity when consumed together with certain types of food, and also the opposite may be harmful to the stomach if taken on an empty stomach.

Vitamins and supplements should be consumed after the meal is:

1. Hydrochloric acid supplements
Hydrochloric acid supplements work best when consumed at the beginning of a meal. Hydrochloric acid supplements are often used by people who have difficulty producing enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach when eating. When hydrochloric acid supplements consumed on an empty stomach without adding the food to be digested, then this can cause a burning sensation in the stomach.

2. Vitamin B complex
Vitamin B complex often causes mild nausea. This can be avoided by taking vitamin B complex with snacks. But do not eat greasy food when you're going to take vitamin B complex, because it will interfere with absorption.

3. Vitamins A, D, and K
Vitamins A, D, and K are fat-soluble vitamins. These vitamins require fat, either animal or vegetable to be able to optimize their absorption in the body. Vitamins are either consumed by the food and after eating.

4. Vitamin C
Vitamin C did not need the fat to dissolve in the body. But most of the vitamin C is acidic, then it should be consumed after meals to prevent irritation of the stomach, especially in patients with ulcer.

5. Zinc Supplements
Consuming too much zinc at once can cause stomach cramps and nausea. To reduce this effect, zinc supplements should be consumed after the meal.

While vitamins and supplements that can be consumed on an empty stomach or before meals are as follows:

1. Iron
Iron supplements should be consumed when the stomach to be empty alias before eating, to be absorbed by the body better. For a small dose is not a problem taking them after meals, but if the iron supplements meant for patients with anemia, it must be taken before meals and separately with other supplements, especially calcium and vitamin E.

2. Vitamin B12 and folic acid
Exclusion of the vitamin B complex are consumed together or after a meal, vitamin B12 and folic acid must be consumed on an empty stomach.

3. Proteolytic enzymes
Proteolytic enzymes like bromelain may work best on an empty stomach. Enzymes that digest proteins are often used in large quantities to help reduce inflammation. If consumed after the meal, then some of the substances of this enzyme may only end up being a digestive enzyme.

4. Bioflavonoids and phytochemicals
Many good bioflavonoids and phytochemicals are absorbed on an empty stomach. Bioflavonoids and phytochemicals have some therapeutic benefits, and consume on an empty stomach will give maximum benefit. Two examples are quercetin and vinpocetine.

5. Probiotics
Probiotics such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus best consumed on an empty stomach, when you get up or before bed. This supplement is important for a healthy digestive system, and useful to treat candida, and treatment of intestinal flora after taking antibiotics.

6. Green Food
Green foods are usually best consumed on an empty stomach to take advantage of importance, namely the effect of antioxidants and nutrients.