Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hair Care

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAll the hair you’ll ever have on your head is determined at birth. That’s because hair grows from a root in your scalp and the number of roots cannot be changed.

Each hair grows from the root to a certain length depending on your unique genetic makeup, then slows down, then stops naturally. At some point, it’ll die and be shed. You lose about 100 hairs every day from this life cycle. The lost hair will be replaced by a new-growth shaft.
You can help make your hair grow longer by taking good care of each shaft: gentle brushing, using a mild shampoos, giving your self gentle scalp massages regularly, and limiting coloring and perms. You can increase the volume of individual hairs, and thus make your hair appear more full, with protein shampoos and conditioners that coat each shaft.

Your hair is mostly made of water. To be shiny and supple, your hair needs to be adequately hydrated. You lose water from the sun, too much processing, and blow- drying. Oil from your scalp coats each shaft and acts as a barrier against evaporation.

Your hair also needs proper blood circulation to remain strong, which can be increased with brushing and scalp massage. If you wear your hair pulled back in a French Twist or ponytail, give your hair a break once in awhile by letting it hang freely. Those styles put a lot of pressure on the hair, especially at the front hairline. Also, don’t use any uncoated elastic bands in your hair! Elastic grabs at the shaft and will break it.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

7 DON'T after a meal

1. Don't smoke- Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).

2. Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.

3. Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

4. Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.

5. Don't bathe - Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6. Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
7. Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Some of the problems cured by Ginger

Colds/Flu ---> Kills influenza virus by improving immune system's ability to fight infections. Ginger also relieves headaches.

Increases Circulation--> Increases the muscular contractions of the heart atria, there by increase in overall circulation. Ginger has been proven to prevent internal blood clots and lowers blood pressure. Ginger Root stimulates the central nervous system controlling the heart and respiratory centers. Ginger helps reduce serum cholesterol, which can slow down circulation.

Ginger Relieves Motion/Morning Sickness--> Ginger is one of the most effective herbal remedies to get rid of Motion/ Morning Sickness.

Digestive Aid - Indigestion, Stomach Ache--> Ginger Root increases production of saliva in the mouth and dramatically increases digestive enzyme amylase in the saliva to additionally aid digestion. Ginger Root also contains a very effective digestive enzyme zingibain.

Women's Health--> Ginger Root is good for the uterus as well as the intestinal tract and may ease menstrual cramps

Skin Very cleansing--> Reduces pus in infected wounds as well as boils. Clears spots caused by chicken pox and shingles. Useful for burns, sores, sunburn, ringworm, warts, herpes, athletes foot and even for dandruff.

Ginger is sometimes recommended as an alternative to aspirin for people who can not take aspirin because of its irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Ginger cures following ailments

Asthma - Adults
Athlete's Foot
Boils/ Blisters
Cold Sores
Glandular Fever
Gum Infections
Head Lice
Insect Bites / Stings
Mosquito Bites
Mouth Ulcers
Ringworm (tinea)
Skin Conditions - Antiseptic
Sore Throat

With all the benefits to the average person, ginger should be included in the diet every day. Especially for a person who are suffering from heart problems, cold/flu, stress problem, motion sickness a daily dose of ginger combined with other herbs to enhance their effectiveness is part of a sensible, healthy diet.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The benefits of GINGER

What is Ginger

Ginger is a strengthening food that has long been used to maintain health. Ginger has a long history of both culinary and medicinal use in Chinese, Japanese and Indian medicines. In ancient China, ginger was regarded as a healing gift from God and was commonly used to cleanse and warm the body.

Qualities of GingerPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The major active ingredients in ginger are terpenes and oleoresin called ginger oil. These two, and other active ingredients in ginger, provide antiseptic, lymph-cleansing, circulation, and constipation relief qualities.

--> Ginger is good for the respiratory system
It is good to fight against colds and flu
--> Ginger offers substantial protection from stroke and heart attack because of its ability to prevent blood clotting
--> Ginger, a multifaceted herb, is crucial in the battle against cardiovascular disease
Relieves headaches and pains
--> Helps to clear sore throats
--> Good for upset stomach and indigestion
--> It is very effective as a cleansing agent through the bowels and kidneys and also through the skin

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tips for your skin (Part 2)

7) Use humidifiers and keep room temperature moderate to keep your skin away from dryness.

8) Hot water blushes your skin and you don t feel fresh unless you have bath with little cold water. If you have shower for a longtime, dead skin will be automatically be removed. Do not rub with towel, be gentle on your skin.

9) Take food which contains more A and C vitamin.

10) Grate carrot and boil. Massage that mixture to body to get fair and smooth skin.

11) For natural bleaching: - mix milk and lemon juice. The milk will break as soon as you mix the lemon juice in it. Use that mixture to massage on your body. It works as natural bleaching.

12) If you go into sun your skin will lost the fairness. To get your skin color to normal take equal quantities of cucumber juice and tomato juice and apply on to skin. Shower after 10 minutes.

13) Massage mustard oil to your skin for 5 minutes and have shower with gram flour or mild soap.

14) Mix cream on the top of milk and all-purpose flour and apply that paste on to your skin avoid eyes, eyebrows and lips. Shower after 5 minutes. This will make skin smooth.

15) Mix curds (yogurt) with wheat flour and apply to your skin and take shower after 5 minutes.

16) Grind rose petals and mix with cream on the top of milk and apply to your body. Shower after 10 minutes.

17) Scaly skin is a result of fluorine deficiency. Fluorine is the anti-resistant element of the human body, the absence of which creates problems in the blood and spleen. Since cooking and heating foods destroys fluorine, it is better to eat uncooked raw fruits and vegetables. Other foods rich in fluorine are goat milk and cheese, rye flour, avocados, sea plants and cabbage, cream whey and cottage cheese.

18) Wrinkle skin is a result of Sodium deficiency and makes skin sticky. Cucumbers are ideal for combating and preventing sodium deficiency because they are not only high in sodium, but also help in keeping the body cool, a great summer' s treat.

19) Skin rashes are the result of silicon deficiency. To avoid pus and rashes, eat plenty of sprouts, alfalfa, barley, tomatoes, spinach, strawberries and figs.

22) Skin eruptions are the result of Chlorophyll. And are found in wheat grass and other green leafy vegetables

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Tips for your skin (Part 1)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThe following list are tips on how to maintain your skin clear and healthy. These tips are good and easy to do. So, let's try it :

1) Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

2) Cut some beet root into small pieces and grind them. Squeeze juice from beet root and massage to your face for 5 minutes. Shower after 10 minutes with mild soap or gram flour.

3) Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and add 4 to 5 drops of milk in it and apply on to your face and body. Shower after 15 minutes with warm water.

4) Mix honey in water and drink daily in the morning to keep your skin shiny and smooth.

5) Warm honey and mix with lemon juice and apply on to face. Wash after it dry.

6) Massage your skin with milk. Milk has moisturizer, it will keep your skin smooth.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A complexion lightening mask

Another tips for clear and fairer complexion :

1. Take four almonds with a teaspoon and a half of gram flour, a teaspoon of milk and four drops of lemon juice. Mix it and apply it on your face. Leave it on for the bleach to take effect.
2. Take lemon juice, mixed with gram flour, milk cream and honey for dry skin.

3. Replace milk cream and honey with sandalwood powder and curd for oily to normal skin. Apply it on your face to ensure a clear complexion.

4. Add milk, rose water, carrot juice and cucumber juice to the above to remove freckles. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off.