Although they are available, I've been putting a presentation together to help get to grips with HoNOS in the role of a trainer. The evidence for the validity and benefits of using HoNOS is well established, with the HoNOS family of scales boasting global usage and development:
- HoNOS for working age adults
- HoNOS65+ for older people
- HoNOSCA for children and adolescents
- HoNOS-Secure for use in health and social care settings secure psychiatric, prison health care and related forensic services, including those based in the community)
- HoNOS-LD for learning disabilities
- HoNOS-ABI for acquired brain injury (ref.)
One set of guidance for HoNOS points out that:
The scales are not used as a checklist or semi-structured interview, but form a brief record of severity.
There is some succor there then, since Hodges' model is a checklist and a quad-structured interview there is still a role for a global conceptual framework.
There's nothing like a full and tidy set of tools!
DoH: Honos health of the nation outcome scales report on research and development July 1993 - December 1995
Additional links:
The UK Routine Clinical Outcomes in Mental Health Group
The NHS Information Centre: Mental Health Minimum Dataset
RCP references