Friday, February 19, 2010

'Problem patients?' 2 - Appease me do (not)

Many of the aspirations of nursing are just that - aspirational.

Appeasement and other similar 'power' associated concepts helps explain some of the appeal of Hodges' model - with its inclusion of a POLITICAL care domain. The needs of the ONE (interpersonal care domain) are diagonally opposed by the needs of the MANY (political care domain).

Just because I may approach someone (*evidently*) abusing medication / alcohol, over-eating, risk taking ... does not mean I am prepared to continue to nurse them and hence support them in that behaviour. Attempts to engage can be made and (must be) documented, as subsequent referrals and care will build on those care encounters. There is a marked difference between those individuals above who are often socially excluded, risk takers and people who are preoccupied with their health and mental health state. (Are such people stuck in the 'sick role?) Such patients may well seek new drugs and then instantly question the medication they are taking, never satisfied, they may query their care record and care while in hospital by virtue of their personality and anxieties.

I can reject negative behaviours and attitudes, but not the person. As a member of the health care team I can explain clear terms for future engagement should the patient wish. At the end of the day we constantly review: do they have mental capacity and to what extent does their behaviour present a risk to themselves, or others...? There is also a role for specific care management to be effected, to screen and prevent people reaching emergency services when this is repeated and unnecessary. The combination of some conditions such as long term respiratory problems and anxiety can create acute management problems, both for the individuals concerned, their family carers and care providers.

People do have choices to make, and so must take responsibility for how they exercise those choices.

Crucially this also needs to be explained to referrers - e.g. general practitioners / family physicians. For effective care management the inclusion of paramedic, crisis, social and intermediate care services in care management communication and coordination is also essential.

So, there is absolutely no need for a "current model of appeasement based care".

(This is a wind-up - surely? If not I am available for career advice.)

Yours truly and the patient's (even if it hurts),

Peter Jones

'Problem patients?' 1

Nurse Philosophy list