Monday, April 5, 2010

Sex tips after giving birth

Having sex after childbirth is not like when your spouse must service three months out of the city. Little knowledge and guidance needed to make this activity fun.

There are several causes that make sex after giving birth to is not easy. Starting from a loss of confidence, because the changing body shape, reduced natural lubricant until the pain of the stitches used.

Although a lot of factors that are difficult for you to have sex, but not necessarily have to abandon this activity. That you and your partner need to do is be patient and know the tricks-tricks. Here are a few things to keep in mind when having sex after childbirth.

The first and most important thing is to tell the partner what you feel. If you're not ready either physically or emotionally, should not be forced. This could endanger yourself.

When you're ready, does not mean 'first sex' can be done as it was before childbirth. Again, you must notify your spouse that all should walk very softly and slowly. Rough penetration may be harmful to your vagina.

We recommend that you ask your partner to do the foreplay longer than usual. Make sure that you are very aroused before you start. This is very important to restore your confidence.

Hormones are not yet back to normal cause a decline in your natural lubricant. Therefore, we recommend using artificial lubricants that can be obtained at the nearest pharmacy. Please note, women who breastfeed decreased natural lubrication for eight to ten weeks after delivery as quoted from childbirthsolutions.

If you do not feel comfortable in the position of a particular sex, then try a new position that can make you more comfortable. This is interesting from sex after childbirth.