Sunday, May 2, 2010

Update - King's College London mental health SIG 17 May

With the title of my talk sorted here is the programme for the Mental Health SIG meeting:

Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre
Room: 1.17 Franklin Wilkins Building (1st floor)
Franklin-Wilkins buildings, King's College London,
150 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH

Monday 17th May
10- 4pm
King’s College London, Waterloo

10:00 Arrivals and Refreshments

10.30 Welcome and introductions
Bill Penson
Teacher Fellow/Senior lecturer in Mental Health,
Faculty of Health, Leeds Metropolitan University

11.00 ‘The Darzi Dementia care pathway- competencies’
Professor Paul Kingston
Faculty Director for Research and Scholarship
Staffordshire University

12.00 Lunch and Networking

13.00 ‘Hodges' model: a conceptual framework’
Peter Jones
Community Mental Health Nurse NHS,
Independent Scholar & Informatics Specialist

1400 Refreshments

14.30 ‘e-PsychNurse’ an EU funded project
Professor Mary Chambers
Director of Nursing
South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust

15.30 Future meetings and summing up
Bill Penson

16.00 Close

I can expand on my plans - broadly three 20 minute sections:
  • Re-introduce the model, history, background;
  • Explain h2cm's relevance, scope and applications - possibly with a brief exercise;
  • Discuss publications to date, future publication plans to include the website and use of Drupal, with time for questions.