Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Launch of the National Care Service in England

Source: Department of Health, 30/03/2010

In the biggest change to the welfare state since the creation of the NHS, everyone who needs care when they are old or disabled will get it for free, Health Secretary Andy Burnham announced today as he launched the National Care Service in England.

The National Care Service will be based on a principle of shared social insurance and will be funded by contributions from everyone in a fair way. The National Care Service will ensure people get high quality care when they need it and it will give peace of mind that savings and homes will be protected from the expensive care costs that arise from serious long term conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or recovering from a stroke.

Andy Burnham said:
“Today we are launching a National Care Service that is fair for all, ending the cruel care lottery we have today. Like the NHS, everyone will contribute and everyone will get their care for free when they need it. This is the biggest change to the welfare state since 1948 and, like the NHS, it’s going to take time to build.

“The National Care Service will mean that people will be treated with dignity and respect, people will have control and choice over their care and they will be helped to stay in their homes for as long as possible. People who have to live in residential care will, from 2014, get their care for free after two years and there will be more help to pay the residential costs.

“We’re not replacing the millions of carers or families who look after each other. They are the underlying principle of the National Care Service and we will better support them.

“We’ve already laid strong foundations through reforms over the past few years. But, with an ever growing older population – there will be 1.7 million more people needing care in the next 20 years – we must radically overhaul the way care is paid for and provided.

“I feel very strongly that this is a responsibility we must all help to shoulder. And it’s clear from what we have heard from the thousands of people who have given us their opinions on this over the past twelve months, that people agree. That’s why we know that the fairest way to help everyone who is affected by a serious disease, illness or disability is for us all to pay into a system so we get free care when we need it.”
The cost of care is currently a cruel lottery. No one has any way of knowing how much care and support they may need in the future. A 65-year-old can expect to need care costing on average £30,000 during retirement. However, some people, for example people with severe dementia, could end up needing care costing as much as £200,000.

The National Care Service will put an end to this unfair system. It will be built on strong foundations of recent reforms and will overhaul the way care and support is paid for and provided. It cannot be built overnight and will be phased in three stages:

Stage One
• Build on the best of the current system through reforms that are already underway and deliver the Personal Care at Home Bill.

Stage Two
• From 2014 extend the coverage of free care so that people will receive free care if they need to stay in residential care for more than two years.
• Set up a commission to support consensus and advise the Government on the fairest and most sustainable way that people can make their contribution to a care system which is free when they need it.
• Set up a National Care Service Leadership Group of expert stakeholders who will advise Government on the implementation of the National Care Service, focussing on the systems and business processes that need to be put in place to make the National Care Service a reality.
• Introduce a National Care Service Bill to set the legal foundations of the National Care Service.
• Enshrine in law for the first time nationally consistent eligibility criteria for social care helping to remove the postcode lottery of care that exists now
• Push forward with the prevention agenda and continue the drive towards personal budgets so that by 2012 everyone who would benefit from a personal budget will have one.
• Ensure accurate, relevant and accessible information about what people are entitled to, how the assessment process works and how to access care services is provided to everyone.
• We want to improve the gateway for accessing social care and disability benefits to make simpler and easier for people.
• Introduce a quality framework including a body to drive up quality in social care.

Stage Three
• The introduction of a comprehensive National Care Service that is free when they need it for all adults with an eligible care need, funded by contributions.

Following the biggest ever consultation on care and support that saw over 68,000 members of the public, carers and representative organisations have their say, it is clear that people believe it is right that everyone should contribute to a care system that is free when people need it– similar to the NHS. However, the necessary consensus on how people should pay into such a system has not yet been reached. A National Care Service Commission, will therefore be established to advise Ministers on the fairest and most sustainable way for people to do so.

Care Services Minister Phil Hope said:
“We must find a fair way of funding the National Care Service. The stakes are very high. That’s why we must have a clear consensus. We are setting up a commission to tell us what would be a fair way for everyone to pay into this new system.

“Everyone will pay into it in a fair way and in return everyone will then have peace of mind that their savings and homes will be protected from high care costs. The whole of society will benefit and the National Care Service will support individuals and families for generations to come.”
The National Care Service will have six founding principles. It will:
  1. Be universal – supporting all adults with care and support needs within a framework of national entitlements.
  2. Be free at the point of use – based on need, rather than the ability to pay.
  3. Work in partnership – with all the different organisations and people who support individuals with care and support needs day-to-day.
  4. Ensure choice and control – treating everyone with respect and dignity, ,putting people in charge of their lives.
  5. Support family, carers and community life – recognising the vital contribution families, carers and communities play in enabling people to realise their potential.
  6. Be accessible – easy to understand, helping people make the right choices.

Contacts: Department for Health Email: NDS.DH at

Additional links:

DoH: 30 March 2010, The White Paper, Building a National Care Service

The Big Care Debate

MCQ (answer) on clinical coding and classification

The answer to the multiple choice question is item 4:

- a product of the 18th century driven by death?

François Bossier de Lacroix (1706-1777*), better known as Sauvages, is credited with the first attempt to classify diseases systematically.

Sauvages' comprehensive treatise was published under the title Nosologia methodica.

A contemporary of Sauvages was the great methodologist Linnaeus (1707-1778), one of whose treatises was entitled Genera morborum.

Beginning of the 19th century, the classification of disease in most general use was one by William Cullen (1710-1790), of Edinburgh, published in 1785 under the title Synopsis nosologiae methodicae.

My source:

* I note sources that record Sauvage's year of death as 1767.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hodges model: The realm of the Centaur...?

I've rather messed about here before with ideas for the new website, banners and graphics. In reading I've switched from SF to Ken Wilber, who with David Bohm I have intended to read for many years.

In Wilber's book No Boundary I found a gift of an iconic image, as in health and social care we constantly strive to achieve integrated and holistic care.

Much of my day-to-day work involves mind-body : body-mind and the suffering between.

In No Boundary we read about the Centaur:
Let us return to the level of the total organism and continue with the story of the growth of the spectrum. At this level, the individual is identified solely with her organism, existing in time, in flight from death. Nevertheless, she is at least still in touch with her entire psychophysical being. This is why we usually refer to the level of the total organism by a simpler name: the centaur. A centaur is a legendary animal, half human and half horse, and so it well represents a perfect union and harmony of mental and physical. A centaur is not a horse rider in control of her horse, but a rider who is one with her horse. Not a psyche divorced from and in control of a soma, but a self-controlling, self-governing, psychosomatic unity. p.72

Related posts:

Holistic care and 'where' it means....

20/20 vision minus 1, 2, or 4 blind spots....

Physio-Political ... musings, songs and dances...

Additional links:

Philosophy, Ideas, Creativity links: Interpersonal domain

"The constant rain of time that is life peppers space with relevance." *

*In reading Wilber it looks like I will have come up with something else...?

Ken Wilber (2000) No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth. Paperback / Shambhala Publications, ISBN 978-1-57062-743-9.

Image source:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

4 Tips For Stop Air Allergies

Very uncomfortable when we start sneezing. Wake up sneezing. Seeing a cat, sneezing. Outside air, as well as sneezing. It was so, when there was provocation, it was also sneezing subsided. What can we do if this happens? Tip of the Women's Health magazine you might try:

1. Close window
Closing the window does make the air warmer. However, to avoid bad air quality, or when plants are flowering outdoors, need to be done. When you install air conditioning in the room, select which to use filters, to help clean the air in the house.

2. Change clothes when he came home
This is common. But sometimes because trigger-hungry or tired, you just wash your hands and feet, and eat. Changing clothes after you move out of the house can reduce the amount of allergens into the house through the clothes.

3. Wear sunglasses
Sunglasses with good quality lens that will add a protective layer between air pollen and spores in the eye, or your eyelashes.

4. Avoid bar soap
According to a study published in Trends in Immunology, use bar soap can reduce the protective layer on the skin that actually protects you from seasonal allergic in nature. Therefore, you should use only liquid soap.

Good tips to overcome the air allergies can be useful for us all. If there are less obvious with tips to overcome the air allergies, can be asked in the comment form.

When Allergy Comes

In 2000, Resource Limited (marketing research) to do research in southern England. The result, about 70 percent of new allergy sufferers to know if he was allergic after more than 7 years of experience symptoms.

When exposed to allergens, the body produces immunoglobulin E (IgE) that serves to destroy the substances that are considered harmful to the body. Then embedded in IgE mast cell (tissue histamine-producing cells when allergens enter). The interaction between IgE to mast cells manifest in the form of an allergic reaction which we usually see (skin itching, nausea, or swelling in a specific body part). Not impossible, we just like the people of South England. Wondered why a sudden every morning always sneeze. Yet never before.

Research funded by the German pharmaceutical company, Altana Pharma, which is considered allergy mention emerging as adults was because we did not realize it. Or because there are hormonal changes and lifestyle. Dr. Danche Theno, SpP, allergy specialists from the Hospital Pantai Indah Kapuk, this study confirms.

"Allergies can happen to anyone. The level of risk of an allergic person is determined by genetic factors, environmental, and immune system. If low immunity, allergies easily arise," he said.

There are some common allergy kenis complained about by adults, namely the cold allergy, allergic perfume, nickel allergy (many suffered by women, for example when wearing accessories made from nickel), plant allergies, allergic to alcohol, and egg allergies.

Allergic to eggs, for example, the study says the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research commonly occurs in children. However, there are also adult egg allergy. Whether you eat or are exposed on the skin.

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, allergy-causing substances in the egg is ovomukoid protein, ovalbumin, ovontransferin, and lysozyme. These substances found in more egg whites. These proteins stimulate the immune system's reaction is excessive. As a result, our body produces antibodies against the protein of eggs that are not harmful.

Allergy symptoms
will appear a few minutes or several hours after the eggs are consumed or exposed skin. Usually in the form of skin itch and become red, or swollen in some parts of the body, such as lips or eyes. There are also people who had trouble breathing due to eating eggs.

To prevent allergic symptoms appear, consider carefully the food consumed that do not contain eggs. When eating in restaurants, do not hesitate to ask the waiter if the menu contains eggs that had been ordered or not. If severe symptoms arise, for example, acute shortness of breath, immediately to the doctor to get an injection of epinephrine to activate the adrenaline. Adrenaline causes the heart to work harder to pump blood so the oxygen supply increased. Allergy tests are recommended blood tests and skin tests to find out what material in the egg that causes an allergic reaction appear.

Why should perform an allergy test?

"My son was 7 years old, from three months to suffer with itchy bumps, bumps on the skin. If food allergies are given drugs physicians, the complaint disappeared. But once the drug is stopped, the bumps, bumps on the skin comes back.

According to doctors, disorders suffered by my child is hives. Doctors recommend to avoid foods that contain shrimp, crab, and nuts. He also should not drink beverages that contain preservatives.

All the doctor's advice had been followed, but the bumps, bumps on the skin still comes back. That doctors recommend to my child tested for allergies at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

What are the benefits these tests? How the test procedure? "

Allergy tests are able to support to determine the cause of allergies. But this new test can be used when it's done a thorough interview about the occurrence of hives in your child. So for example in the history of the disease arise obtained hives after eating peanuts and tests showed positive results on peanut allergens, then it can be concluded because of the possibility of hives nuts.

On the contrary may happen, positive allergy tests to shrimp, whereas those who tested allergy when eating shrimp allergies did not arise. In this situation, allergy tests can not support the cause of allergies. In addition to allergy testing is usually performed in the arm, can also be performed laboratory tests to determine the allergens causing allergic attack.

This examination is only time consuming and more expensive cost. Allergy tests in the form of puncture tests (prick test) can be seen the results in 15 minutes. The principle of this test is a substance suspected allergens (in liquid form) dropped on the arm and puncture performed on the droplets.

If the patient is allergic to one ingredient, it will appear swollen and red. Bumps the size of the patient described the degree of sensitivity to these allergens. Usually this allergy test can be performed in children over the age of 4 years. This test can not be done if there are abnormalities in the skin area to be tested. These tests also can not be done when the patient was in a state of pregnancy.

To avoid the influence of drugs that can reduce allergic reactions in these tests, the drugs belonged to antihistamines should not be taken before the test. So allergy tests can help, but not sure the cause of allergies.

The principle of allergy treatment is to avoid allergens, treating the symptoms with allergy medications, as well as immune therapy to reduce sensitivity to allergens. For hives, if the cause can be known, then the cause should be avoided. When a child to a food allergen, so the food should be avoided.

To eliminate the symptoms of hives, may be prescribed antihistamines groups. In general, to treat hives immune therapy is not necessary.

Food Allergy or food intolerance?

Have you ever experienced itching in the skin after eating shrimp, or the little one into diarrhea after drinking milk? Is this a sign you have food allergies, or simply can not tolerate certain foods? Is there a difference between them?

A study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology found that although most of us easily recognize the symptoms of food allergies, but the majority would not be able to distinguish what is food allergy and food intolerance. Naturally, we also do not know how to handle this problem.

The issue of food allergies is even cursory never been taken seriously, even though the result could be fatal. Meanwhile, food intolerance was so troubling precisely because it only caused discomfort. "It seems people do not realize how true food allergies, because it is serious, and affects all aspects of life," said Scott H. Sicherer, MD, professor of pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and author of Understanding and Managing Your Child's Food Allergies. "Imagine if we can not drink milk or eat eggs. For children, this can affect all social situations," he added. Little could not eat common foods consumed by children in the neighborhood, or can not come enjoy his friend's birthday party, because allergic to all types of dairy products.

You also want to know what the difference between food allergy and food intolerance?

Food allergies
Food allergy occurs when the immune system to attack any protein in the diet, according to Dr. Sicherer. When the body of responding to foods, like peanuts, as a foreign substance, the body begins to form antibodies against these substances. As in other occasions that the body found the food again, the antibodies immediately felt, and signals the immune system to react. And this is what causes red spots are itchy, swollen lips or tongue, dizziness, fainting, and even in some cases, death. "These symptoms can occur very quickly after eating the wrong foods," he said. "Some people are very sensitive, and only a little food can trigger a reaction."

Common: In children, three of the most common food allergy triggers are cow's milk, peanuts, and eggs. According to the study, many people who think cow's milk allergy in children can be replaced with low-fat milk. Whereas food allergens in adults are shellfish.

Another misunderstanding: Still according to the results of the study, about 40 percent of people think that allergy will not heal when children grow older. Approximately 55 percent of people think that food allergies can be cured, and 30 percent believe there is a daily treatment for people with food allergies. All this is not true: allergies can disappear with age. Milk allergies in children, for example, can be resolved later by the child, said Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH, assistant professor of pediatrics at Children's Memorial Hospital Northwestern School of Medicine, and author of the study. But the only way to effectively deal with allergies is to avoid the trigger foods. You can make checks to the doctor to see if you are allergic to food or certain things.

Food intolerance
Food intolerance has nothing to do with the immune system. People who can not tolerate certain foods to lose some of the components in the digestive system is needed to digest these foods. For example, lactose intolerance occurs in people who lack digestive enzymes lactate. "Intolerance of food is not scary, just makes us uncomfortable," says Dr. Sicherer. The symptoms also tend to be associated with digestion, such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea, wasting a lot of wind, and bloating. However, some food additives can cause rashes and itching or asthma attack, which is often mistaken for symptoms of allergies. Some people can even tolerate the food in question if in small quantities only.

A common: There is a condition in which people can not digest foods that contain wheat flour, and this is a common form of food intolerance. In addition, most people also have a certain level of lactose intolerance. Food additives, such as food coloring, and sulfide in the wine, is also often trigger intolerance that is often confused with allergies, according to Dr. Gupta. If you are not sure what foods trigger your digestive problems, remove all the suspicious material in your diet, and consumption back gradually.

Another misunderstanding: Some food intolerances can be overcome. You can take medicine containing lactic acid, an enzyme which is missing in milk intolerance. Good health tips about the Food Allergy or Food intolerance can be beneficial for us all.

Progeria Disease and tips on how to treat

Progeria Progressive is a genetic disorder that causes children old before their time. Rare condition; since 1886, only about 130 cases of progeria have been documented in scientific literature. Children with progeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), generally appear normal at birth. At 12 months after birth, the signs and symptoms, such as skin changes and hair loss, begin to appear. The average life expectancy for a child with progeria is 13 years, but few with the disease die young and some live 20 years or more. Heart problems, or stroke are the biggest cause of death of children with progeria.

Usually in the first year of life, children with progeria abnormal growth so that height and weight fell below the average for his age and low weight. However, motor development and mental development remains normal. Signs and symptoms of this progressive disorder include:
- Slow growth, below average height and weight normal
- Beaked face and narrow nose which makes children look old
- Hair loss (alopecia), including eyelashes and eyebrows
- Hardening and tightening of skin on trunk and extremities (scleroderma)
- The skin looks old
- Head is too big for the face
- Eyes prominent
- A small mandible (micrognathia)
- High pitched voice
- The formation of abnormal tooth
- The loss of body fat and muscle
- Joint stiffness

There is no cure for progeria. Regular monitoring of cardiovascular disease can help to manage the child's condition. Some children undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery or heart blood vessel dilation (angioplasty) to slow the progression of cardiovascular disease.

Muscular dystrophy disease and tips on how to treat

Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a derivative of muscle diseases in which muscle fibers are highly vulnerable to damage. Muscles, primarily voluntary muscles, become increasingly weak. At the final stage of muscular dystrophy, fat and connective tissue often replace muscle fibers. Some types of muscular dystrophy affects the heart muscles, involuntary muscles and other organs.

Signs and symptoms vary according to the type of muscular dystrophy. In general, the symptoms of muscular dystrophy include: muscle weakness, paralysis, resulting in fixation (contractures) muscles around the joints and lack of mobility.

Many of the signs and specific symptoms vary from among the types of MD. Each different type of MD in early infected, symptoms appear in areas experiencing muscular dystrophy.

There is currently no cure for all forms of muscular dystrophy. Current treatment is designed to help prevent or reduce deformities in the joints and spine and to enable people with MD to stay bergerakn long as possible. Treatment can include various types of physical therapy, medication, hearing aids and surgery.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to Quickly Eliminate Eye Swelling

Puffy and swollen eyes can be caused by lack of sleep or fatigue. But also because you can cry all night. Swelling in the eye by itself will disappear. But the moment where you had to look perfect, of course this condition is very disturbing.

Follow these tips to loss swelling of the eye:

1. Use cold cucumber slices. Then compressing on a swollen eye. for 15 minutes. Not only overcome the swollen eyes, cucumbers can also overcome the tired eyes.

2. Derba Luftman, dermatogolist advised to soak a soft washcloth in cold chamomile tea. Compress the eyes for some minutes. Chamomile tea contains anti-inflammatory thus freed from the swollen eye after being compressed.

3. Rose water is also believed to eradicate the swelling of the eye. Compress the eye with a washcloth that has been made lebut dicelupi into chilled rose water. Let and relaxed for a moment during the 10-15 minutes and feel the results.

5 Tips to Eliminate Varicose veins

Fine lines and veins that appear on the legs may be varicose. Varicose veins occur in that function to transport blood throughout the rest of the metabolism of body tissues and return to the heart.

Varicose veins due to reduced vein wall elasticity. Causes veins to weaken and are unable to drain blood to the heart.

Varicose veins cause blood circulation is not smooth, due to obstructed around the calf and leg when the weight of the body. Besides in the foot, was later revealed that varices can also occur in the arms.

To reduce varicose veins follow the following tips:

1. Wearing high heels
For you lovers of high heels, should start reducing customs wearing high heels. Try to buy the rights of no more than five centimeters.

2. Avoid standing for too long
Standing too long to be one cause of varicose veins. Therefore, avoid standing for too long. But if you must force your job standing in a long time, make sure that you do not stand in the same circumstances
long time. Move a little to the blood vessels are not rigid.

3. Avoid eating too much sugar, salt and fried
This is what makes people with high cholesterol and diabetes risk have varicose veins.

4. Eat vegetables and fruit
Healthy foods that can prevent varicose veins. Vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and foods that can stimulate blood circulation, such as onions and ginger-bawangan. Do not forget to take vitamin B complex, C, E, B6, folic acid, magnesium, calcium and zinc. Avoid spicy foods such as black pepper, especially when you are swollen veins.

5. Sport
Sport is very good for health. Because of its heart and stimulate blood flow, so that they can avoid going varices. Sports such as jogging, brisk walking, cycling and swimming are excellent for smooth blood flow.

Percarditis disease and tips on how to treat

Pericarditis is swelling and irritation of the pericardium, the thin sac-like membrane that surrounds the heart. Pericarditis often causes chest pain and sometimes other symptoms. When symptoms develop gradually or fixed, the condition is considered chronic. Sharp chest pain associated with pericarditis occurs because of inflammation or irritation caused by two layers of pericardium shifted.

Acute pericarditis usually lasts less than a few weeks. Chronic pericarditis lasted for six months or more. If the patient experienced acute pericarditis, the most common symptom is a sense of punctured, chest pain behind the breastbone or on the left side of chest.

However, some people suffering from acute pericarditis experience them as blunt chest pains, pain or pressure-like contrast, and intensity vary. The pain of acute pericarditis can be spread to the left shoulder and neck. Increased pain when lying down or inhale deeply.

Cough, take a deep breath or swallow foods can also make the pain worse. However the pain can be reduced by way of sitting up straight and lean.

Sometimes, it may be difficult to distinguish pericardial pain ra and that happens with a heart attack. Chronic pericarditis is usually associated with the accumulation of excess fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion). Often painful, the most common symptom of pericarditis is chronic shortness of breath.

Depending on the type, the signs and symptoms of pericarditis may include some or all of the following:
- Pain was stabbed in the chest pain over the center or left chest
- Shortness of breath when lying down
- Fever
- The overall purpose of weakness, fatigue or feeling sick
- Dry cough
- Abdominal or leg swelling

Choice of treatment for pericarditis depends on the cause and severity of this disease. Mild case of pericarditis can be cured without treatment. Doctors usually recommend bed rest until the patient feels better.

Treatment for more severe cases may include medications and surgery. However, if diagnosed early and immediate treatment can help reduce the risk of long-term complications.

Friday, March 26, 2010

What Can and Can Not Consumed Children, When Difficult defecation

When your child experiencing difficulty defecating or constipation, parents should carefully provide the right food. Because there are foods that should be consumed and avoided when the child was difficult bowel movement.

For some children, rarely CHAPTER frequency can be a normal thing because of the frequency CHAPTER each person is different.

But to know whether the child has difficulty CHAPTER depending on how often she felt abdominal pain but it is very difficult to go to toilet and take a long time for a child in the toilet.

If produced soft feces and out with ease from inside the body, then it's not even the frequency of constipation, including rare CHAPTER child.

As quoted from, Tuesday (25/05/2010) a child is said to have a difficult problem BAB if having one or more of the following symptoms, namely:

1. Children perform CHAPTER less than three times a week.
2. Incurred by the small stool very hard, dry and unusually large.
3. Children have to push hard the stool, because the stools difficult to remove.
4. Some kids are usually followed by a stomach ache and become more exacting.

CHAPTER little difficulty because he lacks the possibility of consuming water, milk or other liquids. In addition children can also be caused by not eating healthy foods especially those containing adequate fiber. And also due to child neglect is often a desire for not wanting to show CHAPTER play disturbed or feel scared and embarrassed by her teacher at school.

To overcome the difficult Chapter, sometimes parents need to know what foods should be consumed and food should be avoided, namely:

Foods that should be consumed

1. Eating vegetables and fruits that contain fiber, either in cut or created juice, such as apples, pears, broccoli or spinach.
2. Eating legumes such as peas, beans or turnips.
3. Eating tomatoes and corn.
4. Eating bread from wheat or flour.
5. Eating cereal or crackers, especially those containing vegetable.

Foods that should be avoided

1. Avoidance of cow's milk, so many children who have difficulties when switching from breast milk BAB to cow's milk.
2. Avoid foods or milk-based drinks, like yogurt, cheese or ice cream.
3. Avoid eating bananas.
4. Avoiding the consumption of carrots.
5. Menghndari foods containing fat and high sugar content.

To prevent hard CHAPTER of the children, parents should provide regular training to enable CHAPTER child. Parents can teach children to go to the bathroom when he first felt the desire for bowel movement.

Also help children to establish regular bowel habits by asking the child sitting on the toilet at least 10 minutes every day at the same time, make a point after the child's eating.

CHAPTER difficulty is usually the thing that was common in children and may disappear by itself. But in certain conditions the child should need to be taken to the doctor, if accompanied by vomiting, bloody stools, stomach pain children feel great every time you want to CHAPTER and these conditions had lasted more than three days.

MCQ (question) on clinical coding and classification

Q. The development of clinical coding and classification systems, such as International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is …
  1. a manifestation, since the 1960s, of health care specialisation and technology in medicine?
  2. a product of the National Programme for Information Technology and the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO)?
  3. a product of Körner statistics and resource management in the 1990s?
  4. a product of the 18th century driven by death?
  5. an international initiative prompted by The Plague and launched by Dr Who?

Answer and further reading to follow next month.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Angiodema disease and tips on how to treat

Angioedema refers to swelling that occurs in the tissue below the skin surface, most often around the lips and eyes. Angiodema similar to itching, but caused the former mememerah on the skin surface. Angioedema is usually caused by an allergic reaction, either food or medicine.

The main cause is often unknown. But sometimes, in some cases due to food allergies, dye, or medicine.

Common symptoms of angioedema include:
Swelling occurred in the former red especially near the eyes and lips, but also on the hands, feet and part of the throat. Besides that, there are a burning sensation, pain and rash on the face, hands, genitals, and feet. In certain cases, patients experienced hoarseness and difficulty breathing.

Care and treatment:
If there is a mild angioedema, patients can be treated with medication or alternative therapies. But in case of severe angioedema, the first priority of treatment is to open the airway so that breathing is not disturbed.

Eyebrow forming appropriate expert Han Chenny

Everyone has a different long eyebrows. The location and length of eyebrows will affect facial expression.

Eyebrows that are considered perfectly normally with a curved shape, far from the eyes and thicker at the base and thinning to the end. The proportions are adjusted size of the eye.

Here are tips on finding the site and long eyebrows, quoted from Book 'Make-Up Eyebrows' from Chenny Han:

1. Eyebrow base
To determine the position of the base of the eyebrows, draw a straight line from the tip of the nose to the tip of the eye.

2. Edge Eyebrows
To determine the position of the tip of an eyebrow, draw a straight line from the outer nostril to the outer edge of the eye.

3. Highest point
To determine the position of the highest point of eyebrows, draw a straight line upward from the outer corner of eye. Nevertheless, the highest point may be shifted to the left eyebrow or right to follow the trend and style makeup needs.

Determining the ideal length of an eyebrow distance between the left and right eyebrows above the base of the nose is along the width of the eye.

Benefits tongkat ali plant for the health

Tongkat Ali also known as pins the Earth has been very popular as an addition to male virility. Not only worked, it turns out there's another side that Tongkat Ali has side effects.

Tongkat Ali is a tree that came from some Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.

Tongkat Ali or Eurycoma longifolia is the local name for medium-sized tree with slender stems, which can reach a maximum height of about ten meters.

This is the root of the rain forest tree, which has been used as an herbal remedy since ancient times. The name 'Tongkat Ali' is the roots of natural origin long and circular. Tree growth is very slow, it takes about 25 years to mature.

Tongkat Ali roots is claimed to have properties that can increase testosterone. These plants are now popular as Viagra Asia, longjack, and others. However, some side effects of Tongkat Ali has also been reported.

Now, Tongkat Ali is widely used as an herbal remedy. This root is available in dry form, powder or extract. This root has been used in traditional medicine in many Asian countries, as an aphrodisiac (substances) that stimulate sexual desire.

Tongkat Ali is mainly used to increase libido, sexual stamina, and fertility. In some areas, also used in the treatment of impotence and erectile dysfunction.

In addition, the materials contained therein can be a supplement to build muscle, because of elevated levels of testosterone leads to increased muscle mass.

Tongkat Ali herb is also known to possess antimalarial substances, anti-tumor, anti-pyretic (fever reducing) and anti-bacterial.

Tongkat Ali is also useful to equalize and balance the circulation of blood in the body. It is said that tongkat ali both to boost the immune system and reproductive system.

However, although Tongkat Ali has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries, there is no scientific evidence to prove the efficacy of this herb.

Although most users were satisfied with the work of tongkat ali, but there are few reports of severe side effects tongkat ali.

As quoted from eHow, Tuesday (25/05/2010) The following are side effects of Tongkat Ali plants:

1. Sleep problems and fatigue
Tongkat Ali is reported to cause sleep disorders are insomnia and fatigue.

2. Nervous
Some people also become more anxious or impatient.

3. Palpitations
Rapid heartbeat sometimes the side effects of Tongkat Ali. It is more likely to occur if taken in large doses.

4. Testosterone levels
Tongkat Ali that increase testosterone, it is not recommended for people with heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, liver problems, prostate or breast cancer.

5. Increased body temperature
Some people also reported an increase in body temperature far above normal.

6. Kekebalam System bodies
A number of testosterone can also cause the immune system is not functioning. This can cause harmful effects on healthy people
effects and the more dangerous in people with immunodeficiency disorders. Tongkat Ali is also not permissible for men who are taking any immunosuppressant medication.

Design an interactive space - 2 meters square - for Expolab project

My source: DESRIST discussion LinkedIn

Hello DESRIST members.

This is about an interactive design project, and the folks at Citilab are very interested in design research. Check it out if you're interested.

Letting you know that Citilab Cornella has an open call for exhibits that explore digital technology for their new project "Expolab". This experiment challenges designers to design 1 or more Expolab cubes with interactives that explore how new digital media and tech affects how we share memories, connect, travel through time and space, work, and experience safety. An opportunity to experiment, and work with the brilliant Expolab team Irene Lapuente, Ramon Sangüesa, and Astrid Lubsen of Citilab.

Start with the cubed 2mx2m space, then modify the space/walls as needed to make it experimental and interactive. Spaces will be equipped with electric and internet connections if needed. Citilab will build 6 of these and put them on display in Barcelona. Expolab cubes can have any number of walls, you can design the whole thing as long as it fits in 2mx2m. The Tech Virtual hosts free 3D prototyping space in Second Life for you to build or document your entry ( ). If you'd prefer to use your own tools that's fine too, just upload your screenshots after creating a project at:

Full design brief at

Looking forward to some new input on this experimental venture! Expolab team comes online for live design reviews Thursdays at 13:00 EST / 10:00 PST / and 18:00 CET (Barcelona). Did I miss anything? Send a note to rketner[at]

About Expolab:
"Expolab is a new way to understand exhibitions. It is a laboratory devoted to researching and creating new exhibitions in the area of technology, innovation, science and design, which are the main focus of work at Citilab. Expolab raises the possibility of creating exhibitions with strong citizen participation and contribution from the very beginning of an exhibition, and not just using the audience as providers of feedback once the exhibitions is one. This represents a new challenge within the world of museums and exhibitions.

Additional links:

5th DESRIST Conference Design Science Research

Sciences knowledge domain: Virtual Reality, Visualization resources
(suggestions, reports of broken links appreciated):

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lovelace, women's IT and QUADratic equations

When you stop and think about it - really stop and think, the foresight of Charles Babbage was astonishing, even though he did not quite achieve his objectives. What is even more amazing then is the role that Ada Lovelace played in the development of computing and scientific computing.

This post is to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day. As per this post 12 months ago, I am and always will be celebrating Enid Mumford and her work on the need and importance of sociotechnical insights when we attempt to apply IT in the work place*. Her work also exemplifies what women can and do contribute to IT.

In terms of the 3R's I am 'literate', but real maths evades me at least the level of ability I wish I had. Namely, the expertise to exercise some of puzzles in the social sciences.

BBC radio 4's Woman's Hour has regularly featured maths education for women and girls, bemoaning the maths abilities of the female population. Some maths has come to me through programming in BASIC, sorting, recursion, functions and using SPSS (DOS version!).

They should teach more programming in schools. Computing and maths are often equated (sorry!) and fittingly the BBC have also featured the genius of Ada Lovelace.

So all these things are connected: the pioneering insights of Ada Lovelace, the state of mathematics education for girls and how girl's are engaged in IcT today globally.

Additional links:

Gender IT:

Europa: Women and ICT Status Report 2009

Association for Progressive Communications:

APC Women

Alice innovative 3D programming environment

Image source:

* Jones, P. (2009) Socio-Technical Structures, the Scope of Informatics and Hodges’ model, IN, Staudinger, R., Ostermann, H., Bettina Staudinger, B. (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Nursing Informatics and Socio-Technical Structures, Idea Group Publishing, Inc.

Bloody Urine Disease and tips on how to treat

Blood in the urine or hematuria is a disease where there is blood in the urine and can only be viewed with miscroskop. If the blood in the urine of many, so-called gross hematuria. In the case of gross hematuria, blood can be seen with the naked eye.

In women, if there is blood in the urine, most likely originating from the vagina. In men, the most likely origin is a disorder of the prostate. Possible causes related to kidney or other parts of the urinary tract. If the kidneys do not proven problematic, then the chances are bleeding disorders.

There was blood in the urine, either through clinical trials as well as invisible.

Treatment depends on the cause of this disorder. If you find a symptom or sign, you should immediately see a doctor.

Monday, March 22, 2010

9 healthy tips that can sleep soundly

"Sleep soundly asleep and is a strong foundation for mental and physical health," it said David Simon, MD, Medical Director of The Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California, USA. The cells of our bodies need rest to function optimally.

Unfortunately, many people suffer from insomnia or sleep difficulty as a result the body is often tired, less alert mentally, and physically weak. Many people do a variety of ways to sleep soundly, for example, consumption of sleeping pills. If it is often done, it's not that we get healthy, but the dependency and can damage organs. To be able to enjoy sound sleep, follow these healthy tips 9 can sleep soundly for the following:

1. Do not be too full for dinner
Try dinner at the bottom at 19.00, so you do not sleep in a full stomach.

2. Reduce mental activity that takes after 20:30 o'clock

3. Turn off the lights start at 22:30
If not used to sleeping at this hour, promote sleep half an hour earlier each week until you used to sleep at 22:30

4. Hot bath an hour before bed
Put lavender essential oil, vanilla, or sandalwood in the water bath to make you more relaxed. Remove the light and aroma therapy pairs. If possible, listen to soft music and soothing.

5. Drinking warm water
Could be milk or chamomile tea. Avoid consumption of coffee, carbonated beverages high.

6. Make the Diary
Just before bed, download the contents of your mind so active in the diary, so that your head is not too full again.

7. Read the books
Do not select a novel or a dramatic reading that requires thinking. Choose books that inspire.

8. Feel your body
When he was lying in bed, close your eyes and feel your body. That way, you bring attention to the body. If there is tension in certain body parts, take relaxing area.

9. Note breath until asleep
These actions can help, remember you are still lying in bed. Quietly observe breath. At that metabolic activity in a state of slow, just like when we sleep soundly.

Hopefully with simple tips so that we can sleep more soundly on top can be useful for us all. If there are less obvious with tips on living healthy, please ask in the comments form.

Larynx Malignant Tumor disease and tips on how to treat

Larynx cancer is a malignancy on the vocal cords, voice box (larynx) or other areas in the throat. This cancer is often found in cigarettes and alcohol addicts.

Symptoms are often found in patients with hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing. Sometimes a lump in the neck which is the spread of cancer to the lymph nodes, appear before other symptoms arise. Other symptoms that occur include sore throat, neck pain, weight loss, cough, coughing blood, abnormal respiratory sounds.

Treatment depends on the location of cancer in the larynx. Early-stage cancer treated with surgery or radiation therapy. If attacking the vocal cords, most often performed radiation therapy because it can maintain a normal voice. Advanced cancer is usually treated with surgery, which could include removal of all parts of the larynx (laringektomi total or partial), followed by radiation therapy. Appointing the vocal cords cause the patient did not have a voice.

As a preventive efforts against this malignant tumor is reduced or not at all to consume cigarettes and alcohol.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Global Pulse 2010 March 29th - 31st #gp2010

I have just registered for:

From March 29th through March 31st you will have the chance to participate in something truly exciting. Inspired by President Obama’s “New Beginnings” speech to Cairo University, the U.S. Government is hosting Global Pulse 2010, an innovative, online brainstorming discussion.

During this unique event, individuals throughout the world will have a chance to participate in and influence a global conversation centered on 10 hot-button social issues facing the global community within the fields of science and technology, entrepreneurship, and human development.


GANM's - Dr. Patricia Abbott will be a featured expert during the event. She will host a discussion on E-Health from 11:00am-noon (eastern time) on March 30, 2010.

Why is Global Pulse 2010 important?

Global Pulse 2010 will offer a unique way for community members to connect and engage, build new relationships and share their ideas on how we can strengthen our global partnerships to better address our shared global challenges.

Global Pulse 2010 is an open forum that will highlight ten broad topics:
  • Empowering Women and Girls
  • Enabling Essential Education
  • Building Stronger Partnerships
  • Exercising Political and Civil Rights
  • Inspiring a New Generation
  • Promoting Global Health
  • Advancing Entrepreneurship, Trade & Economic Opportunity
  • Fostering Science, Technology & Innovation
  • Supporting a Sustainable Planet
  • Pursuing Grand Challenges
How to Register for Global Pulse 2010?

To register please visit:
For more information, please visit us at

You may also join us on Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, and LinkedIn to stay up to date on key Global Pulse 2010 activities. Stay tuned for more information on Global Pulse 2010!

PLEASE NOTE: We want to hear from your network. If you know of others who would be interested in participating in this event, please feel free to forward this email. As there are a limited number of virtual seats in Global Pulse 2010, we ask that these individuals complete and submit this brief form available at Pending the number of available seats, slotted individuals will be notified so that they may then formally register to participate in Global Pulse 2010.

My source:
GANM (Global Alliance for Nursing and Midwifery)

Narcissistic disease and tips on how to treat

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have a high sense of ego and the need for deep will admiration. Narcissistic patients believe they are superior to others and less attention to others' feelings. But behind these masks have a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the criticism a little.

Narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders. Personality disorder, a condition where people have traits that cause them to feel and behave in ways that alienate themselves from the social space, limiting their ability to relate to other environments outside of their environment, such as work or school.

Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms include:
* Believe that it's better than the other
* Fantasies about power, success and attractiveness
* Exaggerated achievement or talent
* Continually expecting praise and admiration
* Believe that people with special
* Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
* Expecting others to go along with the ideas and plans for patients
* Taking advantage of others
* Expressing contempt for those who feel inferior
* Being jealous of other people
* Believing that others envy
* Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships

* Setting unrealistic goals
* Being easily hurt and rejected
* Having a fragile self-esteem
* Liver or emotional Hardware

Although narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence or strong self-esteem, it is not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder across the normal boundaries of trust and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself. Conversely, people who have healthy confidence and self-esteem do not value themselves more than they value others.

When someone has a narcissistic personality disorder, the possibility of appearing arrogant, often monopolizing a conversation, belittle or look down on people who are considered inferior, feel most entitled. And when it does not receive special treatment was obtained patients were deemed eligible, patients become very impatient or angry. Patients are also looking for other people who think having the same special talents, power and nature - people who see patients equivalents. Patients may insist on having "the best" of everything - the best car, athletic club, medical care or social environment, for example.

But behind all the "pomp" there is often a fragile self-esteem. Patients with difficulty handling anything that may be regarded as a criticism. If the patient has been criticized she was embarrassed and humiliated and seemed open secret. And in order to make patients feel better about themselves, people usually react with anger or contempt and efforts to belittle others to make themselves look better.

The cause of this narcissistic until now unknown. Like other mental disorders, the cause may be complex. The evidence relates is the leading cause of dysfunctional childhood, such as excessive pampering, extremely high expectations, abuse or neglect. Other evidence indicates genetics or psychobiology - the relationship between brain and behavior and thinking.

Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around psychotherapy. There is no specific treatment that is used to treat narcissistic personality disorder. However, if patients experience symptoms of depression, anxiety or other conditions, medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs, can help.

Type of therapy that can help to narcissistic personality disorder include:
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy. In general, cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients identify health conditions, beliefs and negative behaviors and replace them with healthy, positive.
  • Family therapy typically brings the whole family together in therapy sessions. The patient and his family explore conflicts, communication and problem solving to help cope with relationship problems between them.
  • Therapy groups that enables patients to meet with a group of people with similar conditions, can assist with teaching and to relate better with others. This is probably a good way to learn about truly listening to others, learn about their feelings and offer support.
Because personality traits can be difficult to change, therapy may take several years. The purpose of short-term psychotherapy is to address problems such as drug use, depression, low self-esteem or shame. Long-term goal is to reshape the patient's personality, at least for a few minor changes significantly, so that patients can change patterns of thinking that distort self-image and create a realistic self-image. Psychotherapy can also help patients learn to relate better with others so that the relationship is more intimate, enjoyable and rewarding. This can help patients understand the causes of patient emotions and what drives people to compete, to distrust others and perhaps to hate themselves and others.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

More SF (speculations on person-centred care...?)

I've been reading a bit more SF - this time Joe Haldeman's, The Forever War here's a fascinating excerpt:
I went to the phone in the kitchen and with some difficulty managed to get through to the hospital. A plain girl in her twenties formed in the cube. "Nurse Donalson, general services." She had a fixed smile, professional sincerity. But then everybody smiled.
"My mother needs to be looked at by a doctor. She has a --"
"Name and number, please."
"Beth Mandella." I spelled it.
"What number?"
"Medical services number, of course," she smiled.
I called into Mom and asked her what her number was.
"She says she can't remember."
"That's alright, sir, I'm sure I can find her records."
She turned her smile to a keyboard beside her and punched out a code.
"Beth Mandella?" she said, her smile turning quizzical.
"You're her son? She must be in her eighties."
"Please. It's a long story. She really has to see a doctor."
"Is this some kind of joke?"
"What do you mean?" Strangled coughing from the other room, the worse yet. "Really -- this might be very serious, you've got to--"
"But sir, Mrs. Mandella got a zero priority rating way back in 2010. "
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"S-i-r . . ." The smile was hardening in place.
"Look. Pretend I come from another planet. What is a 'zero priority rating'?"
"Another -- oh I know you!" She looked off to the left.
"Sonya -- come over here a second. You'd never guess who .." Another face crowded the cube, a vapid blonde girl who smile was twin to the other nurse's. "Remember? On the stat this morning?"
"Oh, yeah," she said. "One of the soldiers -- hey, that's really max, really max." The head withdrew.
"Oh, Mr Mandella," she said, effusive. "No wonder you're confused. It's really very simple."
"It's part of the Universal Medical Security System. Everybody gets a rating on their seventieth birthday. It comes in automatically from Geneva."
"What does it rate? What does it mean?" But the ugly truth was obvious.
"Well, it tells how important a person is and what level of treatment he's allowed. Class three is the same as anybody else's; class two is the same except for certain life-extending--"
"And class zero is no treatment at all."
"That's correct, Mr Mandella." And in her smile was not a glimmer of pity or understanding.
"Thank you." I disconnected. Marygay was standing behind me, crying soundlessly with her mouth wide open. ...

Joe Haldeman, The Forever War, Gollancz, SF Masterworks, pp.148-149.

List of 10 Best Foods for Brain Health

We've all heard "you are what you eat". Nutritious foods and balanced, of course, good for our bodies, especially for the most important parts of our body, ie brain.

With a list of the best food for the brain, the brain health of our brain is always awake so that we can work optimally. Here is a list of 10 foods that are proven to improve overall brain health.

10. Oysters
If your hobby seafood, of course like to eat it. Research has shown that the oyster is very beneficial for your brain. Oysters are rich in minerals zinc and iron, which is very helpful agan for keeping the mind sharp and improve the ability to recall information agan easily. Zinc and iron have been associated with the brain's ability to stay focused and remember information. Lack of zinc and iron can lead to distortions of memory, poor concentration, and of course other diseases throughout the body.

9. Whole Grains
Is brown rice, oatmeal, whole-grain breads, wheat, etc.. Food is working to increase blood flow to the brain is very supportive of the quality and quantity of brain function. These seeds contain lots of vitamin B6, which is full of thiamine. Thiamine is great for anyone trying to improve memory. Scientific research has shown that memory loss has increased dramatically during the late agan reach 60's or early 70's, eating whole grains is good for the age agan aging.

8. Tea / Green Tea
You like to drink coffee in the morning? Try to replace with a cup of tea! Just freshly brewed, green tea or black tea is very beneficial for your brain because it contains catechins. Have you ever had a day where the body feels tired, tired, and "too lazy" to think? Maybe because you're less catechin in your brain. Catechin useful to keep the mind sharp agan, fresh, and work properly. It also allows for more relaxed and help to combat mental fatigue. Green tea is much stronger than black tea, both very good for agan.

7. Egg
As we get older, our brains begin to shrink because of something called brain atrophy. However, we can fight this natural process by routinely eat the eggs. This is because eggs contain a lot of vitamin B12 and lecithin. Vitamin B12 helpful against brain shrinkage, which is often seen in Alzheimer's disease. Eggs, although very unhealthy if eaten too much, because it is full of essential fatty acids. Egg yolk, although very high cholesterol, also high choline, which is the building substance of the brain cells. Choline may help improve memory all of us. But do not most have eggs, just 1-2 eggs a day.

6. Curry / Spices
Spices very diverse and not limited to the coriander, turmeric, pepper, chili powder, paprika, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, mace flower, kelabet, fennel, bay leaves koja, and cloves. This herb is very useful to keep the brain fresh. As the main ingredient of curry powder, curcumin full of antioxidants that help fight brain aging and maintain cognitive function as you get older. Antioxidants are also struggling against free radical damage that can occur in the brain and body. Free radicals can cause inflammation and other diseases in the body. Kari is not only good for the brain, can also fight diabetes and heart disease.

5. Berries / Fruit Berry
Blueberry is very good in improving motor skills and learning ability overall agan. Most berries, including blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc., are full of antioxidants that are good for improving brain health. You can help reverse the effects of aging on the brain by eating this fruit once a day. Berry, most contain fisetin and flavenoid, which is very good for improving memory and allows you to easily recall past events.

4. Nuts and Seeds / Nuts
Finding food that has all that is good for the brain? Is the food of nuts and seeds. Like peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and other types of nuts or seeds that you can think of, good for your brain. Nuts and seeds are full of Omega-3s and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as folate, vitamin E, and vitamin B6. All of these nutrients allows agan to think more clearly. They also help agan think more positive, because the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids work as natural antidepressants. Some seeds and nuts are also full of thiamine and magnesium, which is good for memory and cognitive function of the brain.

3. Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, katuk, spinach, etc., very good for the brain of children and adults. This vegetable is very helpful when it comes time to recall old information and processes such as agan just learned yesterday. This is because these foods are full of vitamins B6, B12, and folate, which is an important compound in the brain needed to break down homocysteine levels, which can lead to forgetting and even Alzheimer's disease. These vegetables are often contains high iron.

2. Fish
Fish as a whole is very beneficial for health, especially for your brain. Fish is full of Omega-3, which is a fatty acid that is very beneficial to the body in various aspects. Eating one serving of fish a week can greatly reduce the chance of getting Alzheimer's disease. These fatty acids help with brain function because they coat the neurons that sometimes has a layer of fatty acids which are stiff with a high content of cholesterol and saturated fats in the body. Omega-3 will cover the neurons with good fats, which allows them to move easily throughout the brain. Omega-3 also provides more oxygen to the brain, and allows one to store the new information while still remembering the old information. The best fish to eat for brain health is salmon, tuna, and herring.

1. Chocolate
Try to replace coffee with hot chocolate drink in a day, but delicious, chocolate is very nutritious for the brain. Scientists have proved that the antioxidant content found in only two or three tablespoons of cocoa powder is more powerful than the antioxidants found in other foods, such as green tea or red wine. The main antioxidants found in cocoa, known as flavonols, it is important to help increase blood flow to the brain.

So simple tips to keep our body health, especially the brain. Good tips to keep your brain health with a list of the best food for the brain is useful for us all. If there is still not clear with maintaining brain health tips, please ask in the comments form.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tips Oily Skin Care Part 1

Oily skin needs special attention to be more diligent in maintaining it. Because otherwise it may cause pimples and blackheads.

Following treatment of oily skin:

1. Using the right cosmetic products
If you have oily skin problems, you should look for oil free cosmetic products and are guaranteed safe for sensitive skin. For example using mineral based cosmetic products. The use of cosmetics for oily skin should also be done when the face is clean and dry. Wet skin will make the perfect cosmetic does not stick. While the less clean the skin, will provoke the growth of acne and damage the pores - pores of the skin.

2. Using a moisturizer
Oily skin does not mean that the face does not need a moisturizer, skin moisturizer and equipment needed to control the oil in the skin. Choose a moisturizer with water-based content, the content does not leave a sheen on the face.

2. Do Special Care
Facial, Scrub, and a mask was needed to face. To maintain the cleanliness and good skin health. If not able to do at the salon, take the time to do it yourself at home with natural materials, such as cucumbers, oranges, and others.

3. Do not wash face too often
Washing your face too often can lead to Reactive Seborrhea. This reaction is the loss of sebum or natural oils that can cause the skin is very dry and scaly skin. In one day enough of one to two times just washing your face with a gentle foaming soap.

Great Sex By Feng Shui

How to have great sex? You must have a good mood, and of course a comfortable environment.

Feng shui bedroom is about a harmonious and sensuous energy homage. Of course this room is very inviting and the fishing you to 'act' in the room.

At the same time, feng shui will make you and your spouse passionate. A feng shui master, Mohan Deep added, "Actually, the situation with the couple relationship can be seen from the state of the bedroom. Your relationship with your spouse can also be improved by improving the energy in the bedroom."

To create a feng shui bedroom is comfortable, you can use a variety of simple science of feng shui, as follows:

Fresh Air
The air quality in rooms must be constantly maintained. The presence of air exchange in and out of the room is very important for you and your partner.

When you and your spouse are not in the room, you should open windows and doors to ventilate the room to be better.

Light Effects
Lighting is very important, according to feng shui is very good advice when using candles. Logically, the candlelight will create an arousing sensual impression of someone.

Electronic Equipment
Feng shui energy will be lost if there is an electronic device that lights up in your room. For it should turn off or move them from room electronics, particularly television. Disrupted when several men admitted having sex with circumstances that are on television.

Color options
Use soothing colors to achieve feng shui balance energy intake. Soft colors like light blue, navy blue, white and cream are highly recommended.

Room decoration
Select a room decorated with paintings or forms or picture of something you want to see in the future. Do not put up paintings that depict the misery, sadness, or anything that symbolizes something bleak, you or your spouse could have a moment to lose passion.

Close the outside world
Close all doors in your room, whether the bedroom door, bathroom door to the closet door. It is useful to smooth the flow of feng shui into the best in your room.

In order for feng shui bedrooms better, then add the two small tables on either side of the bed. You also need to make your bed and slept pretty sight. Notice that you use up mattress bed accessories such as pillows, blankets and sheets.

Ear tumor disease and tips on how to treat

These tumors are usually attacks the ear leaf. Suspected cause of this disease caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun or chronic irritation.

Some tumors contain a small pouch that contains a prominent skin (sebaceous cysts), osteomas (bone tumors), and the development of scar tissue after injury (keloid).

Most successful treatment is surgical removal of tumors. After treatment, hearing usually return to normal.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lower Weight Loss With Chinese Tea

Since old times, tea is a nutritious beverage for Chinese mainland residents. No wonder They are known sound, strong, long-lived and have the ideal body shape.

China tea spread throughout the country as a healthful beverage. Beauty of the world was affected by the properties of the famous Chinese tea is rich in anti-oxidants.

In addition, Chinese tea was able to lose weight. But not all types of tea beneficial in weight loss, following useful mentioned variants of tea in weight loss.

Green tea
Green tea is the most popular type of tea to lose weight. Benefits of green tea is to help accelerate the rate of metabolism whose function is to burn calories and reduce fat storage in the body. In addition, green tea may also reduce appetite. Not surprisingly, green tea has become popular in weight loss.

White Tea
White tea comes from the buds and young tea leaves that function similar to green tea which helps to burn calories. Besides tea, also works to help stabilize the level of cholesterol in the blood. White tea also has the effect of anti-virus and anti-bacterial nice to support the immune system.

Oolong Tea
Oolong tea is a kind of transition between the black tea and green tea. Besides having the function of weight loss, oolong tea is believed to have other compounds that contribute to the effectiveness of fat burning. Some people believe oolong tea more effective in the appeal of green tea, perhaps due to caffeine content in oolong tea is higher.

Tea-tea can be found at stores selling tea in large supermarkets or shopping malls, traditional markets to China. For a safe and effective results follow the advice of the peracik presentation.

Tips to increase sexual desire begins to decline

Over time, the activities performed sex couples on the wane. How do get around passionate sex even if only performed once a week?

With all sorts of activities and work piling up, plus the age marriages are increasing rapidly, the flames the desire to have sex that enthusiasm slowly faded. Though these activities create an intimate and enjoyable relationship remains to be done. If you're one of them, it's time to change those habits.

Typically, couples who love each other and admire each other not to have sex only once a week. But that does not mean sex is also good to do every day. Ideally sex performed a total of two to three times a week.

In order to make that schedule, you need to motivate yourself to do these fun things. Here are tips you can do for self-motivation.

1. Romantic
We are committed to improving your sex life, you also have to improve love life. To make life more romantic love, there are some things that can be modified, for example, by watching a romantic movie to read romantic novels at night.

This can make you become more sensitive and romantic. You also can do so by communicating more with your partner. Discuss the interesting things around or nostalgia to warm your relationship again.

Unwittingly, with increasingly romantic relationship with a partner, then the desire for sex is also increasing. By then, making love on the sidelines of busyness would happen.

2. Create Your Own Schedule
The main cause of couples do not have sex due to the daily preoccupations. Therefore, find the time is right for you and your partner. Sex is not always done at night when the kids are asleep. You can do so at any time with your partner.

If your time with your partner is very narrow, it never hurts to do a 'quickie'. Different sensations will be felt when doing this quickie. You will also feel relaxed and satisfied at once, so be ready to face the pile of work.

3. He conquered
If your spouse refuses to make love, to offer him for a massage. Use a special oil to massage and gentle touch and in doing so you touch the maximum.

Basically a very easy man to inflame. Massages right in sensitive areas can be made instantly excited. Try to make him lay on his back and massaged her thigh area. Massage smooth upward from the knee to the collarbone area, and then start squeezing subtle vital area.

4. Be More Creative
Missionary, missionary and missionary. If every time to make love only that position you do with a partner, not surprisingly decreases the intensity of love. Be a little more creative, guide your partner to explore new positions. The variation of sexual positions may reduce boredom on the couple. Read the Kama Sutra with pictures guide which can be purchased at major bookstores such as Kinokuniya Ak'sara up.

It's not just the position you can do to become more creative in making love. You can try new places to have sex, like sex in the water could be the solution for a different taste sensation like we discussed yesterday.

The need for a hybrid propagator

Feynman PropagatorIn the Northern hemisphere now is the time to be out there planting seeds. Here in the NW of England Spring is just around the corner (the first turn of the year). If you have a greenhouse you can start early. If you have a propagator you can start even sooner and possibly experiment with more exotic flora.

Plants are a known quantity in terms of their needs: temperature, soil, sun, wind, frost, position. ... You just need to add the green fingers to make it work: plus the weather!

It really is magic sowing the sweet peas and seeing the display and smelling the scent in summer.

When it comes to health and social care though we need a special propagator: a true hybrid. Just consider the needs:

physical emotional assessment outcomes quality reflection safety personal social history finance consent intervention person-centered carer demographics information education self-care value for money personalisation dignity respect care collaboration engagement values involvement risk ...

Image source: A Feynman Propagator - Wikipedia

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Vagina tumour disease and tips on how to treat

Vaginal tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue in the vagina, the female reproductive organs. Most cancers of the vagina is caused by the spread of cancer, like cervical cancer or endometrial cancer of the vagina.

Symptoms of these tumors include; tan vaginal bleeding followed by pain, bleeding after sexual intercourse, and pelvic or vaginal pain.

Treatment of vaginal cancer depend on disease stage, type of cancer, which attacked vagia area, age and health of patients. Usually done with radiation treatments.

Size Influence Ovarian egg Number of Women

Edinburgh, Many do not know how the size of ovaries. It turned out that the size of the ovary is related to how much time remaining egg and pre-menopausal women and is influenced by several factors.

A new study in England found a mathematical model that shows this relationship by measuring the ovaries by ultrasound. These findings may help women to more accurately determine when someone should start a family.

"Basically today we have the potential to tell how fast a woman's biological clock is running and how much time is held before the end of the egg decreases," said Hamish Wallace, MD, lead researcher from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh, Scotland as quoted from WebMD, Monday (17/05/2010).

The researchers theorize that ovarian size may function accurately to measure fertility in the future and this depends on your age. A woman's ovaries are smaller will affect its ability to bear children. These findings have been published in the journal Human Reproduction.

"Fertility of a woman determined not only by the number of eggs remaining in ovaries, but also related to the quality of the egg cells," said Amos Grunebaum, an infertility expert and medical director of the WebMD Fertility Center.

The researchers believe that a woman born with a limited number of egg cells and will decrease with age. The average age of menopause a woman is about 50 years, and the fertility rate began to decline approximately 1-2 decades before that. Although there is still a small portion that remains fertile at the age of 40 years.

The ovaries are a pair of reproductive organs in the body of women who are responsible for fertility and reproduction. Since the time of birth, the ovary containing the egg 200 000.

The ovaries are also responsible for producing the hormone progesterone and estrogen, the hormone plays a key role in terms of thickening of the lining of the uterus during implantation (attachment) fetuses.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Problem We All Face Women Oral Sex

Most men love oral sex, but not all women comfortable doing it. Oral sex does not always make the situation heats up, some measures can actually make him lose the mood to make love. Here are some things that ruin the moment.

If you're not comfortable doing it, you should not do it at all. The man quickly realized that if you look to do that.

We belangsung activity, there are times when teeth rubbing against the skin by accident. It may still be tolerable.

But if you do not accidentally bite it because it was too excited, then we can be sure there is no continuation to have sex, remember the shock received by your spouse.

Will also do so without destroying the rhythm of passion that are on the rise. Too excited too will make it pain. So do it with the correct rhythm, where you can control your breathing properly.

Not Understand
Some women do not know the right way and looked nervous, so the couple can not feel the essence of those activities. He also helped to feel nervous and want to immediately halt activities and forget the awkward feelings that have occurred previously.

Expand knowledge by reading books about sex is right or proper guidance from watching a special video of the husband and wife.

Urinary tract infection disease and tips on how to treat

Urinary tract infection is a medical illness that affects millions of people each year. Women are particularly vulnerable to this disorder. However, men who experience this disorder, can be very serious consequences.

In normal conditions of urinary tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The most important element is functioning kidneys remove excess fluid and waste of blood in the form of urine. Another function of the kidneys, maintaining the balance between salt and other substances in the blood and menghasilkam hormone that helps the formation of red blood cells.

Infections occur when there are small organisms that breed in the urethra. The urethra is the tube carrying urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The bacteria that evolved from the type Escheruchia coli.

People with diabetes more at risk for this disorder. It also often occurs in young children and women. Young men and adults rarely memgalami this disorder. Not yet known with certainty the reasons why men rarely have the disorder.

This disease rarely show specific symptoms. Symptoms commonly include frequent urination, feeling the heat when you urinate.

These disorders can be treated with antibacterial drugs. Drug choice depends on the results of urine tests showing the disturbing kind of bacteria.