Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nursing attitudes [towards patients ( and self { and ? } ) ]

In the past half-year there have been two discussions, that concern the nurse's attitude towards patients.

One was held on the nursing philosophy list in February:

"The patient is always right"

The other in May was on the mental health in higher education list:

"Insufferable' or 'Suffering' - a response"

Both provoked a similar response and debate. I have just reprised my post in February on the MHHE list and have copied it - with some revision - below:

Patients are always a challenge in that they come in lots of 'varieties'.

This is why we recognise the need for individualised, person-centred care. One variety is trauma laden to which the full-complement of the multidisciplinary team must respond. These patients and *their* crises bring out the best in us in terms of the skills and knowledge, team work they force us to exercise.

Among the plethora of other varieties there are those who are viewed as 'problems'. Like the Pepsi ad of decades ago they are variously and pejoratively described as multiple attending, attention seeking, patience sapping, heart-sinking, time wasting, symptom preoccupied .... patients.

If I receive referral information, or heads up information on diagnosis that suggests the above what do I do?
  • Brace myself for impact?
  • Become task focused?
  • Share collective anecdotes in the staff room as a way to cope, unstress, inject some humour?
OR -
  • Avoid labelling them or use these labels in a re-constructive way?
  • Refuse to make gross assumptions
  • Look at the individual non-judgmentally, holistically, educationally, behaviourally
  • Believe I can make a difference (change is always possible [inevitable] )
  • Side-step being tripped by foibles, behaviours and blatant displays of -ve obstructive ... attitudes that offend 'me'
  • Enter their space and do my utmost to find room for manoeuvre?
  • As a nurse do go and seek out strengths and opportunities in the same way that Capt Kirk et al. go and seek New Life, New Civilizations..?
You may have an impossible lock to pick. In its most severe form this is (pejoratively) known as 'personality disorder', but the nursing challenge is there in all its personal and professional glory.

So. Listen.
Attend to this personal
/ under-the-skin \
Listen and Learn.

Be aware of the pit that continues to trap many people. The life chances - the health career - that they may have missed, took for granted, spurned and much more you (we) will never know about.

Do your job: nurse.