Wednesday, August 11, 2010

History, pocket facts and diffusion

Roger's Diffusion of InnovationsI can't remember exactly which shop it was - Blackwell's at Liverpool University I think - but quite a while ago I picked up a secondhand copy of Roger's Diffusion of Innovations.

I've maintained a link* to The Diffusion of Innovations Model and Outreach from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine to Native American Communities for many years. So I instantly recognised Roger's book as an important text. I've been reminded to pick this book up soon by a rather musty 'message' postmarked 1828.

In June I was invited to a workshop - 'Funding learning for better health and social care information' which was held at UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire). On a table with various informatics brochures, newsletters and DVDs was one of those small 'pocket facts'; a little multi-folded mini-epic. Of the 22 sides compressed into 6 x 5 cm was one devoted to the history of the university.

There at the top: the start. UCLAN began its life as the:

Institution for the Diffusion of Knowledge
in 1828.

Knowledge, Innovations, Ideas, Concepts
- nothing new under the sun.

* Listed under 'Health & Social Care, Nursing & Related Theory & Practice'.