Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cost savings: 4-fold literacy = care literacy

The RCN's campaign I posted yesterday highlights the belief in and potential of nurses to 'think out of the box'.

There are many people, in many walks of life who are currently racking their brains and flipcharts to come up with ideas for cutting costs. In addition to the RCN, the government has its on-line campaign with the 'Spending Challenge'.

As for nurses there is an extra rabbit to pull from the hat: improving patient care.

Media discussion about the cloned beef - food supply story this week brought a point regarding the relative scientific literacy of the general population of USA and UK. This prompted me to consider discipline based literacy, what usually passes for 'basic grounding in ...' or competency. ('Literacy' has already been corrupted, now for another kick.)

For nurses with their subject disciplines, which can be represented in the health career model - what current public sector health (and social) care requires (demands!) is care literacy.

It is the ability of nurses (and other professionals) to be aware of what happens in the two adjoining boxes, or that one remote enclosure that can simultaneously engender and deliver:
  • new insights - creativity and innovation;
  • holistic integrated care;
  • care literacy;
  • and - cost savings that can still improve patient care.
See also: