Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lovers Taste of Salt More Sensitive Taste Bitter

The tendency of people to choose foods that salty-salty apparently influenced by heredity. They are generally also more sensitive to bitter taste in food so that seek to mask the salty taste.

By the researchers, people who liked the taste of certain dominant called supertaster. There supertaster lovers taste salty, savory, and sweet. Excessive consumption of food with flavor can certainly be bad for health. Salt itself is associated with increased blood pressure and stroke.

Recently published a study on the supertaster involving 87 respondents. During the week they were asked to turn the food tends to taste salty, like chips, soup broth, or salted dried cakes. Food frequency diasup then recorded. The respondents were also interviewed by a nutritionist.

The respondents were divided into three groups, supertaster, tastets medium, and nontaster, based on their ability to taste certain chemicals that cause a bitter taste called propylthiouracil. Some could see a strong bitter taste, while others do not feel anything.

How sensitive a person feels a sense influenced by genetic factors. They are included in the group supertaster more sensitive to changes in salt concentration in the broth or cheese. They are also known to eat more salty foods.

People who include supertaster this will be harder to reduce salt levels in food because they need a taste of salt to cover the bitter taste which appears in several foods.