Saturday, March 13, 2010

When his Little Not as active as usually

Parents certainly do not worry if they see their children as active as usual. Child suddenly became quiet which usually occurs by various causes. How parents handle this?

Indeed sometimes the kids like to behave or respond to things that are different from the usual. This is probably because he did not have the energy as usual, has a bad mood or certain medical conditions.

Parents should be able to know or see if the child did not move like he normally Doing Activities.

Condition in general child becomes less active, less appetite than usual, not much talking or complaining about his feelings. Therefore parents should be careful in looking at the condition of the child.

In certain circumstances parents should bring the child to the doctor if it can not respond to verbal commands or to act in strange ways, has a stiff neck, rash or high fever, a child is dehydrated due to too frequent diarrhea or vomiting and the child's condition suddenly decreases and do not behave as normal.

As quoted from Parenting, Sunday (5/23/2010) less active children who could also be caused by common diseases and make your child become inactive, namely:

1. Infection, this condition is the most common causes of child behavior that is less active.
2. Dehydration
3. Poisoning, in this case will be seen the child has swallowed something dangerous like a toy or drugs that are harmful to children.
4. Allergic reaction, if caused by an allergic reaction is usually followed by a rash, swelling of the face, difficulty breathing and nausea.
5. Psychological conditions, conditions such as depression, anxiety or eating disorders can also make children become less active.
6. Other conditions, some other things also cause children to become less active, such as anemia, symptoms of a chronic illness or experiencing the appendix.
7. If your child becomes inactive as usual, orangtau can do several things at home before deciding whether to take him to the hospital or not, namely:
8. Try to identify the child's condition and find out the cause, talk and ask what is felt or experienced by the child.
9. Measuring the child's body temperature to determine if the child has a fever that makes it less active.
10. If the child has a fever, try giving febrifuge she used. After that parents will still need to monitor your baby's body condition.
11. If the child has a visible limp lips dry or try to feed. Especially if the child has diarrhea or vomiting continuously, because it can trigger dehydration.
12. If it does not also make a little better, try to consult with a physician.