Wednesday, October 8, 2008

20/20 vision minus 1, 2, or 4 blind spots....

blind spot experimentBasic science classes very quickly introduce students to 'the eye' and vision.

This includes the simple experiment that can be done which reveals the blind spot.
Here's an example from Service Works Consulting:

Consulting companies pride themselves on knowledge, foresight and expertise. This is fine if there is only one blind spot to deal with, but of course we each have two. From the perspective of project management there are many more blind spots.

Hodges' model suggests there are potentially four;
five even if we include the spiritual domain.

A benefit of using Hodges' model* is that just as in normal vision our two eyes overlap and compensate for the blind spots; so attention paid to just one additional care domain may diminish the impact of care domain blindness.

3 out of 4 domains - is better (more holistic) than - 2 out of 4.

The problem in health and social care, is that any one of four blind spots (ironically the site of the optic nerve bundle) can become a fuse for trouble or disaster.

If you have the gift of vision - best to use it.#
*cognitively or deliberately on paper or computer

Image source with many thanks: John Eric Hughes

Additional links:
Visual acuity:
Accessibility resources: Intrapersonal domain links page (scroll down).

#Wish I had and could do that!