Monday, January 11, 2010

Ticks in boxes and triplicate thinking

Having things in triplicate may be reassuring from an admin perspective. ...

Triplicate GirlThat said, 1st year learners on wards can relax to focus on learning, not having to worry (too much) about the administration - the running of the ward 24/7.

Very soon though years 2... 3 come knocking and they must consider due process, they have to question and get to grips with the established routine that sets and keeps several plates spinning.

Of course IT has by and large (?!) removed the need for paper carbon copies (although those three copies should have three distinct purposes).

Despite that an obsession with ticks in just three boxes may not be enough when it comes to high quality multidisciplinary, holistic and integrated care - it's ticks in the mind and attitude that count.

Additional links:
Records Management Society

The Productive Ward

Image source:
Triplicate Girl -