Sunday, November 16, 2008

Health, Social Care Legislation & Hodges model

The table below indicates some of the key legislation in HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE presented using the four care domains of Hodges' model:
Mental Health Acts 1959, 1983, 2007

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Data Protection Act 1998
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill

Health Act 2006 (pharmacies)

Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984

Human Tissue Act 2004
Health Act 2006 (smoking indoors)

Carers Act 2004

Care Standards Act 2000Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (section 21)

Children Act 1989

Health and Social Care Act 2001, 2008

Section 11 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001.

MHA 2007 (advocacy)

NHS Redress Act 2006 (clinical negligence claims)

NHS Reform and Health Care Professions Act 2002

Human Rights Act 1998

The focus above is UK, but can be readily revised to reflect other countries.

Rationale for assignment to specific care (knowledge) domains:

This is were much of what is placed above is subjective and Hodges' model can show its situated, person-centred, multi-contextual potential. For example, public and patient involvement in the NHS needs to be driven and sanctioned politically, which is what Section 11 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001 sets out to achieve. In operation and procedure the mental health act is very much concerned with individuals, who are accorded specific roles and definitions. The data protection act is primarily concerned with personal data.

Scientifically, or more specifically - biologically and morphologically speaking - human fertilisation and conception is a physical event, initiating a (profound) developmental process. The profundity is expressed elsewhere: what it means for individuals, couples and their families, cultures. The individual (intrapersonal domain) comes to the fore when politicians are given a free vote on such emotive and ethically sensitive issues. The sciences domain is not a complete emotional void, science provides images and vistas of wonder.

This blog post is not comprehensive. There is of course much more legislation to be taken into account; discrimination, equality and diversity, health and safety...

Additional links:

NHS 60 - Health protection timeline
Mental Health History Timeline
Public Health Timeline 1832-1866
The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services.

The SOCIOLOGICAL links page includes 'Seven Ages', 'Public, Patients, & Carers'...
The INTRAPERSONAL links page includes 'Mental Health', 'Psychology', 'Therapies'...

The POLITICAL links page includes 'Policy', 'Citizenry'...