Friday, November 21, 2008

Blackmarket for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge No.11

Pick Your Brains and Expand Your Non-Knowledge here!

Hi, we hope you can make it down to the Bluecoat on Saturday 29 November for this final Liverpool Live 08 event, on the last weekend of the Liverpool Biennial...

Blackmarket for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge No.11 is a lively installation full of hustle, bustle and brains which will have 50 experts sitting at numerous individual tables, sharing their knowledge with members of the audience over thirty minute one-to-one sessions. The Blackmarket event is free, and members of the public can listen in to any of the conversations, or for £1 (or even €1), you can book an expert for your own private half hour dialogue. Get to the check-in early though, or you may find yourself having to do some serious bribing and bartering to get near your expert of choice!

This unique art installation takes traditional methods of knowledge transfer out of the stuffy archives and hushed library reading rooms, and throws them into an arena of discussion and banter, taking on the buzz of market stalls and stock exchanges. Blackmarkets have so far taken place in Berlin, Vienna, Istanbul, Warsaw, Hamburg and Graz.

The topic for the Liverpool edition is: ‘ON WASTE. The Disappearance and Comeback of Things and Values.’ Experts have been invited from the diverse fields of garbology, ecology, philosophy, economy, pathology, entomology and alchemy (those who know how to make gold from dirt).

More information about the event is available on our website and you can also download the full list of experts who will be present on the night:,com_events/task,view_detail/agid,256/year,2008/month,11/day,29/Itemid,14/

Please feel free to forward this e-flyer to anyone you think might be interested in coming along.

Kind regards,


Phil Olsen

Marketing Officer

School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX

Direct line 0151 702 7770

Tickets and Information 0151 702 5324

Fax 0151 707 0048

Mobile Academy is a project by Hannah Hurtzig with changing partners, based at HAU, Berlin. Presented in association

with the Live Art Development Agency. Supported by Arts Council England, Liverpool Culture Company and the Goethe

Institute Manchester.


Wish I could make this, great idea and No. 11 already. ....!

My source: Philosophy In Pubs list