Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Frontline First campaign: cost-saving innovations whilst improving patient care

Dear Peter,

Innovations are the key to saving the NHS money. Every day, nursing staff on the frontline are finding new and better ways to deliver patient care.

As one nurse recently wrote to us:
"Without a working knowledge of clinical care provision how can ideas be practical and ensure quality of care is maintained? Nurses are in a prime position to look at care provision to identify better ways of working and therefore identify cost savings without sacrificing patient care and experience."

As part of our Frontline First campaign, the RCN is collecting examples of cost-saving innovations at NHS services across the UK. What nursing solutions have you seen in your workplace that could achieve savings without sacrificing patient care?

There are two ways the NHS can find billions of pounds in efficiencies:

discover innovative ways to save money
make cuts to staff and services

Every day, UK nurses are helping to devise and implement cost-effective solutions saving their employers money and helping to protect jobs. We've already heard from dozens of nursing staff who told us about innovations in their workplace, from changes to day-to-day practices to
whole new ways of working.

Please take a moment to report any cost-saving innovations you've seen at the workplace:

Thanks for speaking up and helping to protect patient care.

Yours sincerely,

Janet Davies
Director of Nursing and Service Delivery

My source:
Subject: Improving patient care
From: "Janet Davies, Royal College of Nursing"
Date: 04 August 2010 16:53:30