Could the concept album experience a renaissance: online? Story telling has never been completely lost. The web and world's media depends on content: the appetite for stories and music is voracious - Hollywood is famished. Successful narratives prove their worth by doing surprising things with concepts that prompt re-telling down the ages. The concepts may change, but the structures and elements of the stories are timeless.
Concepts obviously remain central to making sense of everything: self, others, the world and the future that includes the new web. In the health career model we have a concept album. It is a care concept album comprising several snapshots or frames. It is also person-centred.
It has a voice that has its own musical signature, it is unique - that is if the album is truly person-centred and listened to.
.net September also includes a brief interview with the creators of The Specials website, which takes the form of a docu-soap about five friends with learning disabilities.
When we listen stories can be told:
great things can follow.