Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hodges model: indicative concepts in Substance Misuse Care

Hodges' model
in substance misuse services

psychological dependence
vulnerable individuals, education, risk, assessment, review, motivation to change, harm reduction, 
motivational interviewing, appreciative inquiry, life skills, education, advice, feedback
withdrawal, aggression, hallucinations, change,
drug use history, measures, care pathways, contract, rapport, empathy
substance profiles, abuse, signs
physical dependence, health status,
pregnancy, research methods, evidence, diagnosis, co-diagnosis, staff awareness, statistics, 
scientific advice, dissemination
models: stepped care, training,
forensic science - mental health,
classification, interventions, physical access, stepped care models

dependents, family, social network
social attitudes, vulnerable communities,
community projects, self-help, e.g. A.A., socio-economic depreviation,
systemic - family, group therapies
Advertising, housing, casual drug use, work, employment, benefit incentives, re-integration, inclusion,
community, neighbourhood policing,
drug culture, media
supply, cost of drugs - alcohol
health & social care policy,
service interfaces, statistics
Drugs strategy, funding, X-agency working, funding, GP contract, commissioning, "client contract-plans", National Treatment Agency, NICE, Home Office, legislation, crime, offending, re-hab. / specialist teams / treatment facilities, Government data, community prescribing, employers

Additional links:

Hodges' model: QUADS 'A4 page' with indicative generic content for the four care domains

The SOCIOLOGICAL links page includes Seven Ages, Public, Patients, & Carers...
The INTRAPERSONAL links page - Mental Health, Psychology, Therapies...
The POLITICAL links page - Economics, Policy, Citizenry...
The SCIENCES links page - Research, Drug resources, Anatomy & Physiology...