Friday, July 17, 2009

Well-being, Teddy Bears and the NYC Fresh Air Half-Marathon

These days 'well-being' crops up everywhere it seems. Literally in the crops and technology used to grow our food, in response to the rise of obesity and its personal and social impact. Diabetes, bullying, the need for exercise, personal space and quality time the well-being list and its associations is as long as the number of journals and magazine issues and covers it features in.

For Hodges' model though where can well-being be found?

I believe there is a risk that 'well-being', whilst it undoubtedly has a role to play in health and social care, education, media, policy (oh and lifestyle), runs the risk of diluting the critical health messages. Not in the sense of not dealing with critical health problems but not as bad as putting your health at risk. If you do not do X, or Y and put your well-being at risk this is not as bad as putting your health at risk...? Do people really make the right connection? One response to my initial question is as follows:

Emotional Well-being
Physical Well-being
Social Well-being
Political Well-being

Since well-being is a rather nebulous concept the risk is that -

'Well-being' may become* a sort of Teddy Bear comforter.

Well-being is very helpful in opening doors to walk-in centres, well man and women clinics and in damaging the stigma that surrounds mental health. For me though well-being is not to be found in the h2cm matrix, Well-being is the totality. It is how well we are in all the care domains. How well are they integrated? Well-being brings a whole new meaning to global health. Collectively this also includes that spiritual yearning found within humanity. Miss one domain out and like a pack of cards... ...

So next time you drag Teddy up the stairs easy
as you go....

Speaking of well-being: running while you can - is a great mantra because the ability to run is a great gift for those of us who can; whether 100s of meters or marathons. Here is news of what looks a truly great event across the Pond:

Hi again Peter

I sent you an email last week and didn't hear back so I thought I would try again. The Fresh Air Fund is still looking for runners and sponsors to join our Fresh Air Fund-Racers team for the NYC Half-Marathon on August 16th. It would be a huge help if you could post a mention of this exciting news on Hodges Model: Welcome to the QUAD. This is a great way to participate in NYC's premier summer road race while helping Fresh Air Fund children. Please feel free to use anything from our site here:

Last summer's NYC Half-Marathon was a huge success and the Fresh Air Fund-Racers raised more than $125,000. We are also still in need of Friendly Town hosts for next month. Host families open their hearts and home to a NYC child who would not otherwise have the opportunity to escape the hot, crowded city streets. Please let me know if you are able to post or have any questions, and if you could send me the link that would be fantastic.

Thank you so much, (A pleasure Sara - all the best for next month!)

Sara Wilson,
The Fresh Air Fund

Additional links:

Runners Web:
Run for Charity

NHS Health and Well-being: Boorman Review

Work and Well-being

* may already be...?