Monday, June 1, 2009

Mind the glass! Socio-technical engineering and vision

Amid the efforts to increase the ease with which technology integrates into our lives is the realization that some areas are more challenging than others. Education and health care spring to mind. In both of these fields if you are something of an expert in ICT and a subject domain expert then you can potentially pull off something of a coup. Being able to sit on the fence and appreciate two critical dimensions of an ensuing discussion about a clinical or learning system (perhaps even both) you can climb down off said fence and make a real difference.

From experience as a nurse, though it is (always) wise for any one practising as an informatics 'clinician' to constantly look over their shoulder. This domain is one that could be rationalised, automated, by-passed especially when we contrast new and emerging informatics roles across health disciplines with generic trends in health records EHR and PHR?

In the forthcoming generations of health record systems, informatics specialist will need to make their technical knowledge more accessible in their role as:

key contributors to -
- balance and patient (public and carer) engagement.

As community and personalised models of care influence the development of PHR, then hospital based EHR will themselves be forced to become transparent. There is also the matter of how the service integration agenda will influence how systems are described and 'sold' as a product and (essential) benefit. As the majority of readers will recognize at the end of the day - it's about the information - knowledge: not the technology.

Perhaps on reflection this is the key to new or existing informatics roles:

- we are engaged in "engineering transparency" ....

Inspired by a discussion on the LinkedIn HIMSS list.