Saturday, May 2, 2009

Looking forward to W2tQ posts on HealthBlogger Network!

Hi Peter Jones,

Congratulations! We have reviewed your blog and are thrilled to offer you membership into the HealthBlogger Network! Based on your blog's content, I would like to have you be part of our Healthcare Industry & Policy community. If you feel another community would be a better fit, just let me know. I would also like to offer you "Top Health Blogger" status on Wellsphere, which entitles you to a personalized badge that you can display on your blog.

Once you finish registering for the HealthBlogger Network, we will automatically republish the blog posts that you've already written and the ones you write in the future (so you don't have to re-post them yourself, and there's no extra work for you!). We will feature them not only on the community pages of the site, but also on numerous relevant WellPages, where we give users a comprehensive view of expert information, news, videos, local resources, and member postings on topics you write about. Each of your articles that are re-published on Wellsphere will include a link back to your blog, and your Wellsphere profile page will show your special status as a featured blogger on Wellsphere (and will include another link back to your blog). By connecting to the Wellsphere platform, you will greatly expand the audience for your postings, attract additional readers to your blog, and receive much deserved recognition for your efforts to improve peoples' lives.

You will also receive from us a special badge for your blog recognizing you as a Top Health Blogger, and gain access to features and functionality for your blog that we've created especially for members in the Health Blogger Network, including a custom tailored Health Knowledge Finder search widget, a Wellevation widget that provides daily motivational tips for your members, and a Wellternatives widget that offers nutrition information and healthier suggestions at popular chain restaurants.

To complete your registration, just click here and take a few moments to sign up your blog. That's it! Once you're signed up, we'll automatically connect your blog and begin publishing your blog posts and links to your blog on Wellsphere.

Congratulations on being approved to participate in the Health Blogger Network! If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email.

Good health,
Geoffrey W. Rutledge MD, PhD
Chief Medical Information Officer
The HealthCentral Network, Inc.
Many thanks Geoff this is a great development and marvellous way to help spread news of Hodges' model. I will attend to the registration details and look forward to forging a mutually beneficial partnership with Wellsphere.
One day there will be a new website / blog, but in the meantime thanks for recognising the body of work presented here on W2tQ since April 2006. PJ