Friday, April 3, 2009

e-Learning Africa 2009: Learn, Share, Network

Hi Peter,

I just wanted to touch base with you and make sure you received the press release I sent Tuesday about eLearning Africa. The eLa event helps educators in Africa learn about a variety of distance learning tools they can use to help expand their educational systems at home. This year, the event will take place in Dakar. eLa is one of the largest educational events on the African continent.

eLa has is working on collecting donations to sponsor men and women from remote regions who would not otherwise be able to attend. If you think there might be any interest in doing a story on eLa, it would be wonderful. The attention you could bring to this program could really help out people from these countries who are striving to learn. Many people say an educated world will make a more peaceful world!

I look forward to hearing from you to see if you are interested.

To view a video from the conference last year, visit

Take care,
Sarah Ray - Hayes
Public Relations Consultant at eLearning Africa

Hi Sarah,

Sorry for the delay and many thanks for these details which as you can see I am helping to publicise here. I will also post to twitter. Should you and your colleagues wish to feature an item on W2tQ then I would be pleased to assist - especially something on e-learning and health in Africa.

Whilst not absolutely necessary if there is some way you can link back this would be greatly appreciated. Hodges model is an ideal resource in helping to integrate concepts and engage stakeholders across socio-technical realms, global health and new forms of media and learning.

Whilst I am being very selective about links (seeking sponsorship myself) given that the conference is annual I will add and maintain a link on the main website and blog. As the h2cm website and blog are personal initiatives I need plenty of notice 6 months and more ideally...

Best wishes to all the team there with your plans and efforts.

Peter Jones