Thursday, March 12, 2009

Update on h2cm, books, Drupal, Ruby and that website....

I have not posted anything on where things are up to here for a long time. Largely because as you've guessed not much IS happening. There are a few things afoot though ....

Scotland on Rails
Later this month I'll be travelling up to Edinburgh again. A once a year event plus some reading / tinkering in-between is not the best way to learn, but I'm a nurse (still)....

This time I'm there for the full duration and the first day is dedicated to beginners:
Charity tutorial news
Friday, March 06, 2009

A big thanks goes to Ron Jeffries for donating $500 (USD) towards the charity tutorial room hire; this is huge help.

We have now booked the main conference hall for the tutorial on Thursday March 26, and now have space for around 20 more people. This is a great chance to learn Ruby from two of the top names in the community – Rails-core alumnus and Pragmatic Studio instructor Marcel Molina Jnr, and Pragmatic studio Rails and Ruby instructor Chad Fowler. In return we suggest a £75 (minimum) donation to the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland here.

All things being equal I hope to attend Drupalcon in Paris this September. There are a few people from Manchester planning to travel over. Drupalcon 2008 Szeged was great and I'm still convinced that the learning there will pay dividends in time. I do still wonder "WHAT AM I DOING THIS FOR", but I'm still also convinced that Hodges' model as a conceptual framework for global health and informatics is worthy of the effort.

Drupal and books
As mentioned quite awhile ago (and Packt the publishers have been in touch) I am reading Drupal for Education and E-Learning by Bill Fitzgerald. I have been looking forward to this for three reasons:
  1. My early programming efforts were based on programs for nursing education using the BBC micro;
  2. I am intrigued as to the content and 'educational' scope of this book and what it might suggest about where Drupal sits in relation to Moodle.
  3. In creating a new website I need to focus on a specific audience or user community - at least in the first instance - this book might help with some early decisions.
Up to page 144 I'll have this finished for the month end [or mid-April ;-) ], before then though I will have tinkered with Views and a few other key Drupal bits-and-pieces. I must say the chapter on Views makes me appreciate why established Drupallers have it in their 'must have' module lists.

The Website Redesign
I'm not so much sleeping on the question of content types for Hodges' model as in a state suspended animation. Whatever the spell is, whatever the cause - my physical / mental state, Drupal's complexity or the 'problem domain' which in this case comprises:

Hodges model AND.....

holistic care, integrated care, collaborative care, care perspectives, care precepts, user community, accessibility, Web 2.0 - 3.0 - all chasing educational, informatics, health and social care policy....

Well, when I wake up the beta site will appear and the prospective ingredients will be a sweet after taste, that hopefully gets sweeter with further revision and development!

Once again as noted previously it would be helpful to field a poll, survey here to help decide on the future content - especially what the priorities are for different users? Thinking back to Szeged though the best source is to get a site up and running...

I've decided on NetBeans as my editor and I am impressed (with the editor). To get to grips with it I'm looking afresh at the links pages to revise them so that the row categories can be expanded and collapsed using jQuery.

Hodges model application
There are some developments regarding Hodges model and its use within forensic mental health services. I hope to report on this in the near future.

Next book chapter

As noted last month there is another exciting project with a paper on Hodges' model, Substance Misuse and Mental Health in preparation.

The paper on h2cm and conceptual spaces drawing on Gardenfors is not forgotten - an update on that maybe in the summer...?

Additional links:

The Science Collaboration Framework (SCF)