Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Beauty treats 1 : Chamomile

We all know that we are what we eat, so what does your hair, skin and nails say about you? I will show you about 12 best beauty foods will have you glowing and gorgeous in no time.


For : Dark eye circles

Dark circles around the eyes can be caused by a sluggish liveror kidneys, so drinkng herbal tea like chamomile, can help kick start it. Chamomile is also a natural antiseptic and can help reduce redness of the eye and blocked tear ducts. If you suffering from a lack of sleep, try drinking chamomile tea before go to bed. The balereanic acid in the leaves can help you relax. A god night sleep is a beauty restorer, reducing the appearnce of dark circles and also reducing the appearence of tiredness and facial tension. These can add years, so try and get your minimum of eight ours at least once a weak.

Taste and aroma : Chamomile has a faint apple flavor, frequently use in tea.