Saturday, October 23, 2010

Drupal musings 18: healthcare group, DrupalCamp and #183

It's a fair trip to Edinburgh from NW England just for one day on the 30th October, but DrupalCamp looks like it will be worth it. I've just booked a room for the Friday night and will set out straight from work.

There's been a Drupal healthcare group for quite a while, now there's also a list of health sites using Drupal:

One day, one day....!

I'm not sure if this post is contrived: a means of getting to post #183. That was the total for 2009 and here we are already.

If one day, one day is going to happen then this blog is going to slow down soon. No suspended animation though. There will be a pulse.

The involvement of a few link partners on W2tQ is very helpful. It seems the archives are of interest. This not only supports the IT side - future hosting ... but attending events (DrupalCamp travel, B&B) and possibly conferences...

As a full-time nurse I sometimes have to rely on holidays to attend events that really float my boat (or fly my plane). Drupalcons are a case in point. It's not easy trying to simultaneously span nursing, education and informatics, but it really is fascinating [and it makes me :-) ]. Take the following conference:

March 30th and 31st 2011 in Grange-Over-Sands, Cumbria, UK

I raise this because problem-based learning is a real gift for the health career model, but this gift runs to £235 (which of course for two days training / education is very reasonable - there is a free half-day workshop too). 
So, One day, one day - but meanwhile enjoying the journey and the many bridges. ...