Ultraviolet rays in atmosphere from sunlight, can damage collagen and elastin, which are very helpful our skin smoothness. Collagen is a protein that makes up a large part of your skin. The toxins in cigarette smoke stop your skin from producing as much new collagen. So we can say that smoking also causes wrinkles. As you get older, your skin gets thinner, more fragile and less stretchy, so it tends to wrinkle and crease. Some people wrinkle more than others. This can happen for different reasons.
Wrinkles Symptoms:-
(1) Deep formed lines.
(2) Crinkling crosshatch marks.
(3) Skin that is wrinkled may also have a tough, leathery appearance if the person has had a lot of exposure to the sun.
Wrinkles Causes:-
Wrinkles are also one of the major causes of skin aging.
Rapid weight loss can also cause wrinkles by reducing the volume of fat cells that cushion the face.
Other environmental factors, including cigarette smoke and pollution, particularly ozone, may hasten ageing by producing oxygen-free radicals. These are particles formed by many of the body's normal chemical processes in excessive amounts, can damage cell membranes and interact with genetic material, possibly contributing to the development of wrinkles and cancer.
(1) Deep formed lines.
(2) Crinkling crosshatch marks.
(3) Skin that is wrinkled may also have a tough, leathery appearance if the person has had a lot of exposure to the sun.
Wrinkles Causes:-
Wrinkles are also one of the major causes of skin aging.
Rapid weight loss can also cause wrinkles by reducing the volume of fat cells that cushion the face.
Other environmental factors, including cigarette smoke and pollution, particularly ozone, may hasten ageing by producing oxygen-free radicals. These are particles formed by many of the body's normal chemical processes in excessive amounts, can damage cell membranes and interact with genetic material, possibly contributing to the development of wrinkles and cancer.
Wrinkles Treatment:-
One of most common treatment and we can say Wrinkles Care Tips is,
To minimize skin wrinkling, stay out of the sun as much as possible. When you are outside, wear shielding clothing and use sunscreen. If you smoke, stop smoking.
Other effective options of wrinkles are, Chemical peels or laser resurfacing.
Botulinum toxin (Botox) may be used to correct some of the wrinkles associated with overactive facial muscles.
Tretinoin (Retin-A) or creams containing alpha-hydroxy acids may be recommended.
One of most common treatment and we can say Wrinkles Care Tips is,
To minimize skin wrinkling, stay out of the sun as much as possible. When you are outside, wear shielding clothing and use sunscreen. If you smoke, stop smoking.
Other effective options of wrinkles are, Chemical peels or laser resurfacing.
Botulinum toxin (Botox) may be used to correct some of the wrinkles associated with overactive facial muscles.
Tretinoin (Retin-A) or creams containing alpha-hydroxy acids may be recommended.