So far, people are more familiar with citrus or mango as a source of vitamin C. There is one more fruit vitamin C content was high enough, ie, pepino or people used to call as a fruit melody. However, it is unclear why call it that.
The fruit is shaped like an eggplant, which is different is the color. In general, the pepino has a green base color with a groove pattern that can change brown line when cooked yellow or purple and white speckled with dark purple hue line.
Mardi, traders in the market pepino Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, revealed that this plant is often referred to as the emergence of eggplant lines that became his trademark line. "It's not as popular as regular eggplant because it feels a bit strange. Not sweet, not sour, not too bland. There's also say sweet. In order to feel fresh and sweeter, when blended usually add honey, milk, or sugar, "he said.
Pepino (Solanum muricatum Aiton) is a fruit that is still a family with eggplant family. In Indonesia, the fruit was first imported in the period of Dutch rule.
Pepino can flourish and thrive in the highlands and lowlands with a special treatment. The fruit is also relatively cheap, the price per kilogram ranged between USD 10-15 thousand.
Reduce Constipation
What is its benefit? In Indonesia, the scientific study of the pepino in particular has never existed. However, from some of the recognition and the emergence of several types of herbal products offer pepino raw materials sold in the middle of society, simply providing reliable picture if the fruit is nutritious.
As disclosed Munandar, a developer of medicinal plants in Ragunan-Market area Sunday, pepino able to treat heartburn and ulcers. Some people believe this fruit can also reduce the risk of constipation or indigestion and high blood pressure because the fiber content.
Abroad, especially in China, this plant several times investigated and proved to have no toxic effects to the body. Seriously now being developed as a raw material ulcer drugs because its vitamin C content and relief of constipation problems. Chinese herbal products from raw material pepino sold in Indonesia.
The emergence of the recognition of empirically well-grounded in fact because every 100 grams of pepino contain vitamin C of 25.1 mg, 0.6 grams protein, 26.6 mg beta-carotene, and 1 to 1.5 grams of which are dietary fiber.