Last month I had a great offer from the
Drupal North West UK user group members at Manchester's -

The proposal is using a central Manchester venue with wifi for a day engage some volunteers and create a new version of this blog in Drupal. This has woken me up! Putting a request out
MDDA - Manchester Digital Development Agency have kindly offered to help out in terms of the venue.
At this months meeting I explained where things are up to and it was clear I still had some sorting to do.
As Chris and the others asked: What can Drupal do that Blogger cannot deliver?
Recently Blogger have extended their
template design and functionality. So, now I should be able to find a new (and clean) template and re-introduce comments. In 2006 when I started the blog there were problems with spam.
So... it looks best to leave the blog as a going concern and
focus on a new site for Hodges' model and the specific content and functionality requirements there.
I have my ticket for
Drupalcon Copenhagen, for me this is
3rd time lucky, last chance saloon. This would be great timing and with the darkening nights too. ...
A phantom outline (currently an example of the 'living-dead') has been known for a while:
- Archive
- Case Studies (content types)
- Glossary
- Introduction - beginners guide to the health career model
- ...
If in one day a group of Drupalers can help me jump start this project that would be - awesome! First though I have to get an idea of numbers and a poll to gauge which day is the best for people - looking ahead to October - November. Before then I have some work to do...