However, treating a disease that can lead to this death would not be indiscriminate. Appropriate care is required in order to recover, although dengue fever can indeed be cured with natural ingredients herbal aliases. Therefore, according to Dr. Amarullah H. DIHom Siregar, DNMed, MSc, PhD, of Clinical Bio RX, before treating it, we must first know the mechanism of this disease.
Because the immune system is also under attack, this antibody system also needs to be remedied. This can be done using natural materials or juice. "If only the juice is good, okay. But if not, can use natural materials more specific. What is more important than it is to anticipate the occurrence of bleeding, "continued this naturopathic doctor.
How do I stop bleeding? Based on the results of research, guava leaves are the best materials to increase platelets, so the bleeding could have been avoided. 'According to research, providing the water decoction of guava can raise platelet count until 100.000/mm3 within a period of approximately 16 hours, "explained the doctor that his education in England, among others.
While research on groups of patients who received intravenous only and do not drink the water decoction of guava leaves, a new thrombocyte increase after 33 hours. In fact, the critical points of this disease is 24 hours. "If you like this, platelet count should be raised," said Amarullah. Indeed, he said, platelet count will go up by itself when the time is past critical. "But the cook wants to wait until a critical first? Yeah if you survived. If it's baseball, bother. "
1 Sheet = 1 Kg
To get the water boiled guava leaves, according to this bespectacled doctor, wash out five pieces of guava leaves, boiled with water until the water is staying third section. "The amount of water is up to it, a glass may, also be a pot, boiled until the numbers stayed home third. What is important is not the amount of water, but leaves guava seeds. Guava leaf red and white alike. "
He continued, guava leaves contain an enzyme that functions quercetin inhibits formation of enzyme mRNA in the virus. Therefore this is inhibited, the virus will die. "So, in addition to improving the platelets, the cooking water also kills the virus, as well as add to its dilution," he asserted. What about the red guava juice, which is known as a remedy for dengue fever?
"It's okay to use, but quercetin content in guava fruit was fewer than the leaves. Comparison, a guava leaves, equivalent to 1 kg of guava, "explained Amarullah. If boiling water is needed to fifth leaves, the patient needs to consume 5 kg of guava so equivalent. To dose, Drinks at patients as often as possible, for example 2-3 hours.
Amarullah added, although not all patients experienced bleeding, usually the body feels despondent. To fix this, should be assisted with a rapid antibody works, so the body soon fit again. What is the best antibodies at the same time helping the liver function? "Among others temugiring and meniran," said the doctor who is also the Chairman of the First Association of Physician Practitioner Durability Healthy Indonesia (PERPASTI) this.
If there is fever and rheumatic pain, rheumatic pain body, can be blended with fennel or saffron. These two herbal ingredients may be substitutes if temugiring and meniran hard to find. Because, turmeric has anti-inflammatory high. Fennel is also good to get rid of sore, so that blood circulation can be smoothly. If the stomach feels nauseous, red ginger can be added.
Must Right Dose
Once shredded, boiled this material with guava leaf. For the size of such materials, according to Amarullah actually no specific benchmarks. Use only in moderation, for example seruas sized fingers or thumb. "These materials, are not you, its only supporter. If it feels uncomfortable, be mixed with honey, "he said.
Can guava leaves are eaten without boiling it first? "Please. But right here, we are also pursuing bodily fluids, that's why need to be boiled. With boiling water guava, three things happen when dengue fever can overcome everything, "he said as he suggested using guava leaves that are not too old, but not too young.
Are there any other materials that contain quercetin was also good? "There are, among others, especially the onion skin, but who also want to drink the water decoction of onion red? Alang-alang, grapes, prunes, and broccoli can also be, but the hassle or expensive. The most effective, easy to get, and cheap is the guava leaves, "he explained.
How about Angkak, fruit bits, and palm juice is said to cure dengue fever? According Amarullah, research has not proven that. "It's true date palm juice can increase the hemoglobin, but whether the increase of thrombocyte? Angkak do contain high antioxidants, so good to fight the poison, but did not increase thrombocyte directly. If the bleeding does not occur, Angkak can indeed be used, "explained Amarullah.
In addition to first have to know the mechanism of the disease, the dose should also be appropriate, so that no fatal consequences. Guava leaves can also to treat diarrhea, for example, should not be too much in order not to cause constipation. Angkak giving too much can cause heartburn, canker sores, their heads spin. Bits whose function is to thin the blood, in appropriate doses can not make the blood too thin. As a result, could re-bleeding.