You do wonder exactly where we are in policy terms given the interval since the Black Report. Dorling's book then sounds like a must-read, with the information posted below from the publishers.
In addition in Waterstones at the weekend I found The Spirit Level, available on their 3 for 2 offer. The links also posted below with an insightful 2009 review of The Spirit Level by Daniel Ben-Ami on sp!ked; plus a related LGC & HSJ event:
Implementing the Recommendations of the Marmot Review:
Reducing Health Inequalities
Injustice: Why social inequality persists
About This Book
Few would dispute that we live in an unequal and unjust world, but what causes this inequality to persist? Leading social commentator and academic Danny Dorling claims in this timely book that, as the five social evils identified by Beveridge are gradually being eradicated, they are being replaced by five new tenets of injustice, viz:
- elitism is efficient;
- exclusion is necessary;
- prejudice is natural;
- greed is good; and
- despair is inevitable.
In an informal yet authoritative style, Dorling examines who is most harmed by these injustices and why, and what happens to those who most benefit. Hard-hitting and uncompromising in its call to action, this is essential reading for everyone concerned with social justice.
"His attack on elitism and despair is impressive, his factual evidence undeniable." Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Additional resources for Injustice: http://www.policypress.co.uk/injustice_appendix.aspDorling, D., Orford, S. and Harris, R. (1998) Visualization in the Social Sciences, A Report for the ESRC/JISC Advisory Group on Computer Graphics, AGOCG Technical Report No 41 (ISSN 1356-9066). Report as a PDF

The Spirit Level: book
The Equality Trust, established by the authors.
Distorting the spirit of equality, sp!ked review of books.