Dear colleagues,
As you may already be aware, the inaugural issue of Impact: Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning has now been published online at http://journal.elnet.com.au/impact/, and is available for viewing for free upon registration on the site. The journal is now accepting manuscript submissions for its second issue (Vol. 2, No. 1), which will be a regular issue, and its third issue (Vol. 2, No. 2), which will be a special issue on the topic of evaluation* and transfer of workplace e-learning. Both of these issues are scheduled for publication later this year.
Impact is an online publication of the E-learning Network of Australasia (ElNet at http://www.elnet.com.au), a not-for-profit organisation and Australia's only national e-learning association. The journal has been established to address the paucity of research publication avenues that provide a particular emphasis on e-learning in organisational, corporate and workplace settings, and which seek to bridge academic and business communities. Focusing on stimulating and generating dialogue, as well as promoting the development and sharing of evidence-based best practice, the journal publishes both refereed and non-refereed contributions from authors worldwide relating to the design, implementation, evaluation and management of workplace e-learning across a range of sectors and industries.
The Editorial Policies section of the Web site houses information on the journal's focus and scope, including topics of interest and types of articles accepted. For specific style guidelines and advice on preparing a manuscript for submission, please consult the Submissions section of the site (http://journal.elnet.com.au/index.php?journal=impact&page=about&op=submission).
Enquiries and expressions of interest can be directed to impactjournal AT elnet.com.au.
Kind regards,
Mark J.W. Lee
Impact: Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning
A publication of the E-learning Network of Australasia (ElNet)
WWW: http://journal.elnet.com.au/impact/
My source:
Instructional Technology Forum (with some editing)
E-learning is another potential area for collaboration in writing and e-projects for Hodges' model. I will also post a few old, but still relevant MCQs on W2tQ in coming months and other items relating to Drupal and the new site.... ;-)
*Evaluation in health and education is also central to h2cm. I am very grateful to the Canadian Evaluation Society for maintaining a link to Hodges' model for many years. The other topic for Impact, Vol. 2, No. 2 which Mark highlights on transfer of workplace e-learning prompts consideration of e-learning within the past six years within the NHS: