Can you join us at the Higher Education Academy Health Sciences & Practice Subject Centre - Mental Health SIG in London
17th May 1000 - 1600?
I am really looking forward to presenting at the Mental Health Special Interest Group next month. It looks a great prospect as I have an hour on the programme. The draft title does not really represent what I intend, paradoxically I will re-introduce Hodges' model and explain why the model is so relevant in theory and practice.
I will outline my presentation here in a future post and the programme overall. For my sins I am now also a sign-off nursing mentor, so being able to network is another great plus. More to follow ....
Here are some details about the SIG from their website:
To date, there has been no UK wide, cross disciplinary special interest group providing a regular opportunity for educators to meet face to face - with a view to exploring common issues and challenges, sharing resources and influencing policy and practice in the field of mental health. Arguably, this has hampered educators’ capacity to shape and respond to new developments.
In February 2005 the ‘Common Ground’ event organised by the Mental Health in Higher Education project in partnership with the Health Sciences and Practice subject centre met to identify key issues facing mental health educators in nursing and the Allied Health Professions. Subsequently, the special interest group has broadened out to encompass all colleagues with an interest in sharing approaches and engaging in debate about educational practice and the implications of policy developments for learning and teaching about mental health.
Who is the Mental Health SIG for?
Anyone involved in higher education with an interest in mental health.
We are keen to bring together people from across all disciplines and perspectives (including lecturers, practice educators and user educators and carers with involvement in education) – those who are mental health specialists and those for whom mental health may be one aspect of a broader subject area.
Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre
Room: 1.17 Franklin Wilkins Building (1st floor)
Franklin-Wilkins buildings,
King's College London,
150 Stamford Street,
London SE1 9NH