Monday, January 24, 2011

1st Int. Congress of Nursing Models and Theories: Colombia 24th-25th Feb. 2011

I am delighted to report the news that the
Health Care Domains Model
will feature at this International conference.

In November I received an invitation to be one of the main speakers from the Grupo Gics Investigacion Team; and so next month I will be heading south to Paipa, Boyacá, Colombia.

This prospect would not be possible without the support of the conference organisers - GICS and Prof. Wilson Canon Montanez, Nursing Faculty of the University of Santander UDES (Bucaramanga-Colombia) and my employer Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Recently a group of Nursing Faculties of three major Universities in Colombia (Universidad de Santander UDES, Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colombia UPTC y Universidad de los Llanos UNILLANOS) have come together to organize the First International Congress of Nursing Models and Theories.

This congress will be held in the city of Paipa-Colombia 24 and 25 of February, 2011:

I very much look forward to this trip for several reasons:
  • New people to meet and things to learn.
  • This invitation literally puts h2cm on the map (so I must deliver)!
  • It is marvellous to see faculty and nurses in Colombia re-invigorating thought about models of nursing.
  • I have never travelled this far south - how will Orion look?
This will be a great adventure, but before then - where's my checklist: presentation(s), jab, tabs, passport...