According Suhirman, one of the agents, ant nests have a chemical compound that can help healing quickly. "Ant nests were actually parasite, because in it there is a kind of labyrinth so live ants. In it there is substance flavonoids and Tanin. Flavonoids are useful for cancer prevention, if good tannins for curing diseases," he said when met Kompas.com Suhirman at Flower Festival 2010 Flower Market Raewa Belong, West Jakarta, on Thursday (04/11/2010).
The disease can be cured by ant nests, among others, various types of cancer and tumors, coronary heart disease, ambient, tuberculosis, lupus, stroke, and increase male stamina. According Suhirman, the healing process through an ant nest is relatively quick, about 7 days.
"If hemorrhoids, cancer stage 1 or 2 so most take 3-5 days in a row has begun to heal. But if the heart is leaking or has stage 4 cancer that took much longer. Can a week or week and a half," he said.
To consume, this ant nest must be boiled first. Water the stew and then drunk. Within a day, ant nest must be taken 2 times, morning and afternoon. "If that is so hard-boiled 2 tablespoons powdered ant nest mixed 3 cups of water. If that is still intact, boil a handful of ant nests are also mixed with 3 cups water. Ngak cold or hot drink anything," explained Suhirman.
Ant nests can be found in two types, and dry powder. "If that had been shredded bu uk, if the dry roasted. But both are equally potent, is not no different," explained Suhirman.
The price of plastic the size of ant powder 0.25 kg to Rp 150,000. Meanwhile, a roasted ant nest worth about Rp 200,000 per pack.
Although relatively expensive, Suhirman say that these ant nests can be boiled up to many times. "It can be boiled up to 10 times as possible. Just as long as the result of concentrated decoction is still colored semutnya nests can be boiled again. But then after boiling the water is somewhat clear meaning can not be boiled again, should be replaced new ants nest," explained Suhirman.