DRUPAL :1 (Drupalcon Szeged 2008) Ruby and Rails :2 (Scotland on Rails 2008 & 2009)
Having just returned from Edinburgh and three days of presentation magic - not only were the speakers experts and leaders they all knew how to present - it's time for me to reflect a little.

An examination of the concept of “connascence” and building modular programs.
Connascence: n.
* The common birth of two or more at the same time; production of two or more together.
* That which is born or produced with another.
* The act of growing together.
Connascence: undoubtedly a concept to add to 'consilience'.
Whether using Drupal or Ruby - Rails I'm conscious that you can create a website very quickly. As already ack. here last summer in Hungary Dan and James advised that I get something together and publish the beta. On Saturday Steven A Bristol stressed the same:
- Identify the essential thing you have to offer through a website / application;
- do not wait until it is 'finished';
- - speaking of which are you a techie or designer? Find the partner(s) you need, people are rarely both;
- ensure you include a feedback mechanism - not just e-mail;
- and 'get it out there'.

After Dave Thomas presented a fascinating keynote on the Ruby Object Model, Erin Staniland and Tim Harding confirmed I've the basic building blocks in place to create and execute a Rails application on my MacBook.

Driving (ironically) back to NW England I realised Earth Hour was in progress, hopefully there will be another one. That night Orion was beautiful chasing a fresh smiling new moon along the way...
Images: thanks to SoR site and Fraser Spiers
P.S. Kevin - I owe you a beer towards the taxi Friday night!