Each hair grows from the root to a certain length depending on your unique genetic makeup, then slows down, then stops naturally. At some point, it’ll die and be shed. You lose about 100 hairs every day from this life cycle. The lost hair will be replaced by a new-growth shaft.
You can help make your hair grow longer by taking good care of each shaft: gentle brushing, using a mild shampoos, giving your self gentle scalp massages regularly, and limiting coloring and perms. You can increase the volume of individual hairs, and thus make your hair appear more full, with protein shampoos and conditioners that coat each shaft.
Your hair is mostly made of water. To be shiny and supple, your hair needs to be adequately hydrated. You lose water from the sun, too much processing, and blow- drying. Oil from your scalp coats each shaft and acts as a barrier against evaporation.
Your hair also needs proper blood circulation to remain strong, which can be increased with brushing and scalp massage. If you wear your hair pulled back in a French Twist or ponytail, give your hair a break once in awhile by letting it hang freely. Those styles put a lot of pressure on the hair, especially at the front hairline. Also, don’t use any uncoated elastic bands in your hair! Elastic grabs at the shaft and will break it.